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Letter of 5 November 1934


Dear Bahá'í Friends,


Your message of October 20th addressed to the Guardian is just at hand. He has read it with deep interest, and was profoundly touched by the expressions of love and devotion which it contained. He wishes me to thank you for it, and to reciprocate, fully and to each and every one of you, the warm greetings and good wishes which you have been moved to extend to him on the occasion to the celebration of the birthday of the Báb.


He wishes me also to take this opportunity for conveying to you all his deepfelt appreciation of your labours for the study and the spread of the Cause in Esslingen. He hopes and prays that your community may, in the years to come, play an increasingly vital rôle in promoting the Message throughout Germany, and particularly in strengthening the foundations of the Administration in that land. Your centre is one of the oldest and best we have in Germany, and has tremendous possibilities. You should, therefore, feel confident and to strenuously toil, so that your community may develop both in number, in strength and in influence.


With the renewed assurance of the Guardian's best wishes and of his supplications on behalf of you all,...


[From the Guardian:]

Dearly-beloved co-workers:

I am deeply grateful to you for the many and repeated evidences of your splendid devotion and firm determination to serve the best interests of our glorious Faith. The work in which you are engaged is dear and near to my heart. My prayers are always with you. Persevere in your labours and never feel discouraged, however great the obstacles that may stand in your way. The Beloved is surely watching over you. Be happy and confident.

Your true and grateful brother,



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