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Letter of 28 December 1923


To the beloved of the Lord and the handmaids of the Merciful in Leipzig, Germany,
Care of his honour, Mr. Herrigel.


My dearest brethren and sisters in `Abdu'l-Bahá:


I need not emphasize the deep and genuine pleasure I felt when I received and read your most welcome letter dated November 11th. 1923. With what pride and gratitude I learned from it that already, through the ever-present and omnipotent spirit of our departed Master a fresh start has been made and a promising center established in that beautiful city of yours, one of the leading centres of thought in your beloved country.


True, your fatherland is now fallen a prey to chaotic conditions and severe distress, yet in this hour of trial and suffering we should all remember the inspired words of our Beloved who, more than once, declared that out of this humiliating turmoil Germany is sure to rise again, united and mighty, ready to render her services, spiritual as well as material, to the cause of mankind.


Let these words cheer us, let them sustain us with hope and confidence, and inspire us to serve His Cause and spread His Message, however trying the conditions may be.


I await lovingly and eagerly your letters, individually as well as collectively, and will be delighted to hear of the progress of your activities, of the full account of your meetings, and of your plans for the promotion of the Bahá'í Movement.


May His spirit, amid these trying circumstances and vicissitudes of your domestic life, sustain you and guide you in rendering distinct services to our beloved Cause.


Assuring you of my earnest prayers on your behalf, I am your brother in His love

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