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Letter of 22 October 1935


Dear Bahá'í Friends,


Your message of the first of this month has been received by our beloved Guardian, and its perusal has brought much joy and satisfaction to his heart. He feels, indeed, profoundly touched by the kind sentiments you have been moved to express to him, and wishes me to reciprocate your greetings and good wishes, and in particular to assure you of his abiding gratitude for the ceaseless endeavours you are all exerting for the wider spread and firmer establishment of the Cause in your centre. He cherishes the brightest hopes for the future of the Faith in Esslingen which, he trusts, will as a result of your sustained and collective efforts, and through the continued guidance and assistance of the German N.S.A., develop into one of the most active and flourishing Bahá'í communities not only in Germany but throughout Europe. It has already acquired great fame and importance as an international meeting centre for all the believers throughout that continent, and specially in connection with the annual Summer School of the German friends which has been invariably held there.


The Guardian is fervently praying that this progress, which has been so characteristic of the development of your community during the last few years, will continue increasing, and will thus fully repay your labours for the establishment and wider penetration of the Faith throughout Germany.


With his cordial greetings to you all,...


[From the Guardian:]

Dear and valued co-workers:

I value the sentiments you have expressed in your most welcome message, and I am deeply touched by its contents. I wish to assure you in person of my loving and continued prayers for you, that you may grow in understanding, spirituality and influence, and play a worthy part in the expansion of the Faith and the consolidation of its institutions.

Your true brother,



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