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Letter of 17 March 1937


Dear Bahá'í Friends:


Your message of the seventh of March is just at hand, and I wish to hasten to thank you for it on behalf of our beloved Guardian, and to renew his gratitude and appreciation for the assurances of devoted love and loyalty which you had been moved to convey to him. He very deeply values your sentiments, indeed, and greatly admires the spirit of sacrifice and of whole-hearted consecration with which you are labouring for the promotion of the Faith. The success of your efforts will assuredly depend upon the measure of unity within your group, and upon your firm resolve to uphold, in words as well as in deeds, those basic verities which the Teachings inculcate.


The Guardian's message to you is that you should constantly strive to mirror forth in your private lives, and also in your social relationships, the beauty, purity and regenerative power of the Message of Bahá'u'lláh. The Bahá'í youth of today should be an example to the youth of the world, and should therefore live up to the highest standards of conduct. Nothing short of such a close, united and concrete adherence to the ideals and teachings of the Faith by every young Bahá'í man and woman can impress and attract to it the serious attention and consideration of the world outside.


It is Shoghi Effendi's hope therefore that your youth group will make a renewed and determined effort this year to put into daily practice the principles and teachings of the Cause, and thus demonstrate to the non-Baha'i youth of your country the tremendous power which the Bahá'í Teachings have to shape, mould and reconstruct the lives of men.


He is praying to Bahá'u'lláh to bless and guide your endeavours to that end....


[From the Guardian:]

May the almighty power of Bahá'u'lláh bless you and keep you, shower his bestowals upon you, deepen your understanding of the fundamental verities and requirements of His Faith, and enable you to extend the range and reinforce the basis of your activities and achievements.

Your true and grateful brother,



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