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Letter of 7 May 1939


Beloved Friends,


Shoghi Effendi has received your welcome card dated April 20th, and immensely appreciates the message of love and greetings you have been moved to convey to him on the occasion of the Feast of Ridván.


He too wishes me to extend to you his deep love and good wishes on this happy and blessed occasion, and to assure you, and our dear friends in Esslingen, of his prayers for your protection and guidance in these days of widespread gloom and distress, that your hearts may be strengthened and assured, and that you may emerge from your present-day tests and trials more united, and firmer than ever in your love and loyalty towards the Faith.


However gloomy the immediate future may seem to appear, the prospect which the distant future has in store for the community of German believers is of such immeasurable brightness as it cannot but afford the deepest comfort and encouragement to you in your moments of uttermost sorrow and distress.


More than ever to-day the Guardian's thoughts turn towards you, and our sore-tried brethren in your land, in admiration for the courage and fortitude you have so well displayed in the midst of your afflictive trials, and in thanksgiving to the almighty God for having sustained and blessed you so repeatedly through His unfailing grace and mighty confirmations.


May His Spirit continue to aid and guide your Community in the distressing days yet to come....


[From the Guardian:]

Dear co-workers:

It was such a joy to hear from you. You, as well as the other German believers, are often in my thoughts and prayers. I will continue to pray for the realization of your highest hopes. Do not despair, nay be assured that a glorious future awaits you all, more brilliant than any you can imagine.

Your true brother,



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