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Letter of 5 November 1945


Dear Bahá'i-Brother:


The message signed by you and other of our dear Bahá'i-friends, and dated Sep. 16th, Esslingen, reached our beloved Guardian, and brought great joy to his heart. He wishes you if possible to convey the following message to those who addressed him:


Tell them that it was a source of deep comfort and gratification to him to receive a word of love and devotion from some of the German Bahá'ís after all these years of silence and danger. He was so happy to know they are well and have been able to meet with you and receive news of the progress of the Faith in other lands.


He hopes that now that the war is over, and the regime which banned all Bahá'í activities in Germany is no more, the believers there will exert their utmost to teach this great religion of ours to their fellow-countrymen. No doubt after so many years of deep suffering and bitter disillusion there are many souls eager for the truth, and more awakened to the need of a spiritual solution for the world's problems.


Please convey his love to them all, and assure them they are, and have been, often remembered in his ardent prayers.


The Guardian was so very glad to know you had been able to meet with some of the German Bahá'ís. He urges you to help and inspire them all you can.


His loving prayers surround you, you may be sure...


[From the Guardian:]

Dear and valued co-workers:

I was thrilled by the message you have sent, and feel profoundly thankful to Bahá'u'lláh for having preserved you and your dear co-workers in that land, and for the spirit, which, despite the sufferings and turmoil that have afflicted your country, you so powerfully display and exemplify. I cherish great hope for the future of your work, and I pray from all my heart for the Almighty's richest blessings on your activities. Rest assure, be happy, and persevere in your historic and meritorious labours.

Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi

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