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Letter of 27 September 1947 (Summer School)


Dear Bahá'í Friends:


Your letters to our beloved Guardian reached him through Mr. ..., and he was delighted to see that so many believers had been able to attend the school at Esslingen this summer.


It shows the vitality of the German Bahá'ís and their intense desire to further the interests of our glorious Faith in Germany, and build up its institutions.


He urges you all, in your work for the Cause in your local Communities, to stress the need for the greatest love and unity amongst the Bahá'ís themselves. It is this love and spiritual solidarity that is so sadly lacking in the world today, and for which its people are starving. When they see within the Bahá'í Community the true spirit of brotherhood exemplified, they will turn to Bahá'u'lláh and embrace His Message.


He also urges you to exert yourselves ceaselessly in the teaching field, and build up new Bahá'í centers, establish new spiritual assemblies, and convert the existing groups into assemblies by April of next year.


The Cause, we know, has a great future in Germany, and he assures you all he is constantly praying for the success of your devoted labours....


[From the Guardian:]

Dear co-workers:

Your messages, eloquently testifying to the dynamic faith which inspires and sustains the German Bahá'í Community, now triumphantly emerging from its long and severe ordeal, rejoiced my heart, and served to deepen my feelings of affection and admiration for its members. You who now stand on the threshold of a new era, have great tasks ahead of you and a glorious mission to fulfil. The institutions you are now initiating and developing will no doubt enable you to achieve speedily and effectively your goal. The Beloved is watching over you. His love surrounds you, and His spirit sustains and guides you. Persevere in your glorious task. Rest assured that my prayers will continue to be offered on your behalf, and be confident that Bahá'u'lláh will aid you to achieve ultimate victory.


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