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Letter of 28 February 1948


The Bahá'í Youth of Vienna Dear Bahá'í Friends:


Your communication addressed to our beloved Guardian, and dated Jan. 25th, has been received, and he has instructed me to answer you all on his behalf.


He was most happy to see that there are so many Bahá'í Youth and children in Vienna. Although your number may seem small to you, it is the beginning of something very important, the beginning of the spread of this Divine Faith amongst the youth of Austria.


He, therefore, urges you to persevere in your devotion to the Cause of God, to study its teachings deeply, and to mold your conduct into the pattern of true Bahá'í life.


He will pray for you all, that God may bless, guide and protect you in every way....


[From the Guardian:]

Dear and valued co-workers:

I was so glad to receive your message and to learn of your continued efforts in the service of our Beloved despite the severe trials you have suffered and are still suffering. You are often in my thoughts and prayers, and I will supplicate the Beloved to guide your steps, remove every obstacle from your path, and aid you to extend the range of your valued activities, and win signal victories for His Cause and its institutions,

Your true brother,



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