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Letter of 24 February 1949 (Summer School)


Dear Bahá'í Friends:


Your letter to our beloved Guardian was for some time held up in reaching him. But he was most happy to see so many of the dear friends had gathered at Esslingen school for the 3rd session.


It is most encouraging to see the way this important institution has grown since the end of the war and became a focus for Bahá'í students. He hopes it is the foreshadowing of a true Bahá'í University which some day must form part of the activities of our glorious Faith.


The Guardian urges you, one and all, to work together, in the utmost unity and love, to spread the Message throughout Germany, and particularly to teach the Youth and enlist them in the ranks of the Faith.


He will pray for you all in the Holy Shrines....


[From the Guardian:]

May the Spirit of Bahá'u'lláh guide and sustain you in your labours, enable you to extend continually the range of your valued activities, deepen your knowledge and understanding of the essential verities of His Faith, and aid you to lend a great impetus to the multiplication and consolidation of its divinely-appointed institutions,

Your true and grateful brother,



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