The sub-assembly hierarchy of AGC p/n 2003200-031 is listed below.  Minor sub-assemblies and individual components that appear in the drawings but are not listed below may appear in our master engineering-drawing index.

2003036-021 or -031, OSCILLATOR MODULE B7

2003983-011 or -021, ALARM MODULE B8

2003114-011 or -021, ERASABLE DRIVER MODULE B9-10

2003026-021 or -031, CURRENT SWITCH MODULE B11

2003111-011 or -021, ERASABLE MEMORY MODULE B12

2003982-011 or -021 or -031, SENSE AMPLIFIER MODULE, ERASABLE MEMORY B13

2003027-021 or -031, STRAND SELECT MODULE B15

2003070-021 or -031, INTERFACE MODULE A25-26

2003067-031 or -041, INTERFACE MODULE A27-29


2003140-021 or -031, ROPE DRIVER MODULE B16-B17

2003121-xxx, LOGIC MODULE A1-A24

Note:  For logic modules A1-A24, AGC assembly 2003200 allows the use of either assembly 2003121 (this section) or assembly 2003888 (next section).  Unfortunately, with the present state of the drawing collection, we do not have a complete set of drawings for either alternative.  Each of the two alternatives is presented in as complete a state as possible.

Note:  The numbering of the configurations in drawing 2003121 is not consistent between drawings 2003121 and its child drawing 2003086.  The former indicates a gap between configurations -171 and -251, while the latter indicates no gap (i.e., configuration -181 follows -171).  This discrepancy persists in all available revisions of both drawings.  However, one of them is in error.  Here, we follow the convention in 2003121, and preserve the gap.

2003888-xxx, LOGIC MODULE A1-A24

Note:  For logic modules A1-A24, AGC assembly 2003200 allows the use of either assembly 2003121 (preceding section) or assembly 2003888 (this section).  We do not presently have a copy of any revision of drawing 2003888.  However, it is thought from indirect evidence that at some point in the 2003888 drawing tree, drawing 1006395 is called out.  The purpose of 1006395, in turn, is to call out the schematic diagrams for the logic modules.  Our only available revision of 1006395 is rev "-", which indicates that each schematic diagram, in turn, is also rev "-".  This seems unlikely, but we adhere to it below since there is no other available evidence regarding the appropriate revisions of the schematics.

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Last modified by Ronald Burkey on 2019-05-08

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