Tea at Two: “The Work of Art, Technology, and Love in the Age of Digital Reproduction”

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On March 20, at 2:00pm at Ackland Art Museum in Chapel Hill, ibiblio’s Paul Jones (Journalism and Mass Communication, UNC-Chapel Hill) will explore aspects of love in contemporary art and culture in connection with the exhibition “More Love: Art, Politics, and Sharing since the 1990.”

What do light-weight, long-lasting batteries, Match.com, 4chan, Kittehz, SnapChat, Skype, Open Source software, Wikileaks and texting have to do with love and art? They put very contemporary twists on Walter Benjamin’s “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” and on “More Love’s” subtitle: “Art, Politics, and Sharing since the 1990s.”

Space is limited; advanced notice and the opportunity to RSVP are given to members at the Contributor level and above.

Free for members, $10 for non-member guests.

RSVP here: [Linked content no longer available]