ibiblio needs a student Linux admin

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ibiblio is looking for a student Linux admin and general tech wonk. We need someone who enjoys working with Linux, wants to be part of innovative technology projects, and isn’t afraid to fail, learn, and get better.

Things you’ll find in our environment include:

  • Completely virtualized server infrastructure
  • All Linux, all the time
  • An automate everything approach. We make extensive use of puppet, monit, and cron.
  • Lots of Web sites, some that get a few million page views per day (yes, that’s a lot).
  • Apache, PHP, Perl, Python, varnish, lighttpd, MySQL, and PostgreSQL
  • One of the largest generators of network traffic on the UNC campus. We transfer about 4 TB per day.

We’re also developing a new platform to publish large files, between 1 GB and 1 TB in size. It uses BitTorrent. Shhh. Don’t tell anyone.

We’ll pay you, of course. The position is open to full and part time UNC students, either graduate or undergraduate. Work schedule is flexible, but 10-20 hours per week is typical.

If you’re interested, send a note and/or resume to jobs-at-ibiblio-dot-org.

* photograph by dronir