Labahn - Lamentations A Commentary Based on the Text in Codex Vaticanus (£110)

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Matthew Longhorn
Posts: 778
Joined: November 10th, 2017, 2:48 pm

Labahn - Lamentations A Commentary Based on the Text in Codex Vaticanus (£110)

Post by Matthew Longhorn »

Coming August 2024. ... s&result=3
This commentary on Greek Lamentations is based on the Codex Vaticanus, and includes an introduction, Greek text and English translation. LamLXX presents a new interpretation of the past, creating its own conceptual idea about loss and destruction, grief and suffering. In varied vivid images, metaphors and pictures, LamLXX retells past experiences as present life, invoking conditions reminiscent of Exodus. Hope is reduced to a limited amount, suffering seems endless. Only through prophet Jeremiah’s mediation, a new perspective for future life appears at the horizon. Contemporary readers, or readers of any period, may find therein representations of their own experiences in life.
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