
Please introduce yourself here, if you haven't already.
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Paul Kohlmeier
Posts: 1
Joined: January 8th, 2022, 1:12 pm


Post by Paul Kohlmeier »

This is probably going to sound a like my introduction on the B-Hebrew forum, but here goes:

I am a recent graduate from a Master's Degree in Biblical Studies (and a hopeful soon to be PhD student as well) from NY state. It has been a few years since I've done anything with Biblical Greek, and I'm hoping to utilize this forum to recover and expand my Hebrew. During my previous studies we used Basics of Biblical Greek by Mounce, and I loved the textbook so much I decided to pick up the most recent edition and go through it again.

Thanks for having me!
Jason Hare
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Re: Hello

Post by Jason Hare »

ὦ Παῦλε, αὖθίς σοι χαίρειν λέγω μετὰ τοῦ τ᾿ ἤδη δεξᾶσθαί σε σήμερον ἐν τῷ ἄλλῳ τόπῳ ἡμῶν τῷ τῇ ἑβραΐδι γλώσσῃ1 καὶ τοῦ γράψαι ἡμᾶς ἐν ταῖς δυσὶ ἐπιστόλαις ταῖς ἠλεκτρονικαῖς2 ἃς ἐπέμψαμεν ἀλλήλοις. μάλιστά γε χαῖρε.

1. B-Hebrew.
2. “electronic letters” (emails).

I’m writing in Greek for my own practice.
[What I meant to say was:
“Paul, I again greet you after both having received you today on our other site, the one for the Hebrew language (B-Hebrew), and (after) us having written in the two electronic letters that we sent to one another. Rejoice greatly.”
I expect that there are mistakes there somewhere.]
Jason A. Hare
The Hebrew Café
Tel Aviv, Israel
Jason Hare
Posts: 956
Joined: June 2nd, 2011, 5:28 pm
Location: Tel Aviv, Israel

Re: Hello

Post by Jason Hare »

Paul Kohlmeier wrote: January 8th, 2022, 3:30 pm I'm hoping to utilize this forum to recover and expand my Hebrew
I’m wondering, though, if you intended to write “Greek” here.

I also learned with Mounce many years ago (finished it in 1998). I’m using Athenaze (Ἀθήναζε) now for classical Greek (the second time around), hoping to get through the second level. They have English-to-Greek translation exercises, which I think help tremendously.

Welcome to both B-Hebrew and B-Greek. It’s great to have you join us!
Jason A. Hare
The Hebrew Café
Tel Aviv, Israel
Paul Kohlmeier
Posts: 1
Joined: January 8th, 2022, 1:12 pm

Re: Hello

Post by Paul Kohlmeier »

Yes, I meant to write Greek. I admit that I cheated and just copied my post from B-Hebrew.

Thanks for the warm welcome! I will probably open up a thread at some point this week to catalogue my progress so far, and any questions I have at this point.
Last edited by Paul Kohlmeier on January 9th, 2022, 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Christopher M. Tully
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Re: Hello

Post by Christopher M. Tully »

χαιρε ω παυλε
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