Where to begin...

The forum for those who still struggle with morphology, syntax, and idiom, or who wish to discuss basic questions about the meaning of Greek texts, syntax, or words.
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Nathan Binns
Posts: 9
Joined: January 6th, 2015, 5:10 am

Re: Where to begin...

Post by Nathan Binns »

Paul-Nitz wrote:What Randall says about Living Koine book 1 is spot on. Paint primer for the brain to receive more learning in the right way. Great metaphor! Get the MP4 version of it now. Skip a couple meals.
Bullet bittten, order made! Actually my wife has been quite sick the last few days so people from church have been bringing food for us - providence!
Devenios Doulenios
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Re: Where to begin...

Post by Devenios Doulenios »

I would add, hearing the ancient language texts you want to read read aloud also is helpful, the more fluently read the better, and as often as possible. Besides Randall's materials for hearing Greek, there are some selected Psalms recorded by Louis Sorensen, and two sets of the entire Koine Greek NT recorded with Modern Greek pronunciation, among other resources (LXX audio also available on the Greek Bible Society site). The LibriVox site also has some audio of Greek classical texts. I listen to the Greek New Testament regularly and make it a habit to read it aloud. I find that this helps my comprehension (I am mostly an autodidact myself, so I empathize with the challenges.)

If you'd like any of the above links, just PM me.

Δεβένιος Δουλένιος
Dewayne Dulaney

P.S. Another help was to abandon the Erasmian pronunciation I first learned Greek with, in favor of the Modern Greek one. I highly recommend you use either the MG or the accent in Buth's materials (Restored Koine). You'll be glad you did.
Dewayne Dulaney
Δεβένιος Δουλένιος

Blog: https://letancientvoicesspeak.wordpress.com/

"Ὁδοὶ δύο εἰσί, μία τῆς ζωῆς καὶ μία τοῦ θανάτου."--Διδαχή Α, α'
Jonathan Haley
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Re: Where to begin...

Post by Jonathan Haley »


I was trying to find the LXX audio recording you mentioned (presumably and hopefully! read with a modern Greek accent), but haven't been able to. Do you have a specific link, by any chance?

Jonathan Haley
Devenios Doulenios
Posts: 239
Joined: May 31st, 2011, 5:11 pm
Location: Carlisle, Arkansas, USA

Re: Where to begin...

Post by Devenios Doulenios »

Hi Jonathan,

Here are the links to the sites I mentioned:

If you are on a Windows computer and have Flash Player, you can listen to the LXX online as recorded by a modern Greek speaker at the site http://www.vivlos.net. Click on the button near the top of the page that says Ακούστε την Παιλαιά Διαθήκη to select from all the books, or the button that says Ακούστε τους Ψαλμούς του Δαυιδ if you just want to listen to Psalms. (The site language is Modern Greek, so there are some differences between it and Koine, but you can figure out a lot if you know some Koine.) Unfortunately, Flash is not compatible with the Apple iPad, which I use at home to go online. The same site also has a link where you can download the Koine Greek NT recorded by a native Greek, which I have and use all the time.

I emailed them to ask if they planned to make the LXX audio files available for download, and am waiting for a reply.

Our own Louis Sorensen has recorded selected Psalms from the LXX in the Restored Koine accent which he has had available for download at his site http://www.letsreadgreek.com. When I checked on the link yesterday the page was down and I am not sure if he is going to put it back. I sent him a PM asking about it, but haven't heard back yet. I hope the page will be back up soon you can download them. The recording volume is a little low but otherwise they are well done and very easy to follow as you listen.

The Classical Greek ones are at http://www.librivox.org. On the opening page click on Catalog and then click on Language on the following page. Scroll down to find Ancient Greek. There are recordings from Homer's Odyssey, Plato, Thucydides, and others (MP3 format) which you can download.

Hope this helps,

Δεβένιος Δουλένιος
Dewayne Dulaney
Δεβένιος Δουλένιος

Blog: https://letancientvoicesspeak.wordpress.com/

"Ὁδοὶ δύο εἰσί, μία τῆς ζωῆς καὶ μία τοῦ θανάτου."--Διδαχή Α, α'
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