Australian time friendly NT greek reading group

The forum for those who still struggle with morphology, syntax, and idiom, or who wish to discuss basic questions about the meaning of Greek texts, syntax, or words.
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Jacob Rhoden
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Australian time friendly NT greek reading group

Post by Jacob Rhoden »

I've been looking around a bit for an NT greek reading group, they are all for the most part quite inconvenient. (Im keen, but not 3:30am-4:30am keen)

Is there a group of Australians that might be interested in starting a Google Hangout, it would probably work for anyone closer to the +1100 timezone (Australia, China, New Zealand, PNG, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Russia, etc...)?
Stephen Carlson
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Re: Australian time friendly NT greek reading group

Post by Stephen Carlson »

I might be.
Stephen C. Carlson, Ph.D.
Melbourne, Australia
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Re: Australian time friendly NT greek reading group

Post by deborahewitt »

We may be too.
Stephen Hughes
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Re: Australian time friendly NT greek reading group

Post by Stephen Hughes »

It might fill a need in that area. Before I went there during the Chinese New Year break this year, I contacted the heads of department of several denominations theological colleges' Departments of New Testament studies as well as several individuals, those who replied said that they did not know of any in-person reading groups currently meeting. Internet searches at that time didn't return any results either.
Γελᾷ δ' ὁ μωρός, κἄν τι μὴ γέλοιον ᾖ
(Menander, Γνῶμαι μονόστιχοι 108)
Stirling Bartholomew
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Re: Australian time friendly NT greek reading group

Post by Stirling Bartholomew »

re: real time reading groups
Stephen Hughes wrote:said that they did not know of any in-person reading groups currently meeting
There may be a good reason for this. Tried that once in 1993. Didn't find it as helpful as some might assume who have not tried it. Getting together for things has become difficult for many folks. I tend to pick up the early birds from your timezone late in my day. So depends on when you are going to "meet."
C. Stirling Bartholomew
Jonathan Robie
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Re: Australian time friendly NT greek reading group

Post by Jonathan Robie »

Stephen Hughes wrote:said that they did not know of any in-person reading groups currently meeting
We still have one on Sunday mornings at our church. It's a small group, there were three of us this morning, we can have up to five. But feedback is positive.
ἐξίσταντο δὲ πάντες καὶ διηποροῦντο, ἄλλος πρὸς ἄλλον λέγοντες, τί θέλει τοῦτο εἶναι;
Jacob Rhoden
Posts: 171
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Re: Australian time friendly NT greek reading group

Post by Jacob Rhoden »

Yea, a reading group is definitely only worth it for people who want to be in one. There might be a window of time in the learning progression where it's of no use? Perhaps when you are a real beginner , and when you are a real expert the value might diminish? For me personally, I'm just keen to find ways to keep up the learning and practice, post bible college classes.

Give that there appears not to be a group I'll see if anyone wants to join a google hangout sometime next semester. I'm still three classes away from completing the first year level Greek textbook (Duff) at college.
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