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NT - Manuscript-Transcriptions

Posted: February 7th, 2024, 2:47 pm
by Jean Putmans
The INTF and the IGNTP both have a lot of manuscript-transcriptions, but it is not possible on their Websites to search a specific reading in all transcriptions.

So I collected all available Transcripts of both institutes and built a kind of raw database (in ascii).

Now I can search (with some simple Linux-commands in a Linux-shell-app on my IPAD; these commands can be used with Linux, IOS and OSX, Android; Windows will probably need Linux running on a Virtual Machine ) all transcriptions at once.

Since both Institutes allow the use, changing, proliferation etc under their Creative Commons Licences, I thought it would be nice to make these files available:

With this Link you can download the ZIP-File with both sets of transcriptions: ... p=drivesdk

Re: NT - Manuscript-Transcriptions

Posted: February 8th, 2024, 3:10 am
by Jean Putmans
I forgot to open the file as shared with everybody with the link!

Now it is shared1

Re: NT - Manuscript-Transcriptions

Posted: February 8th, 2024, 5:15 am
by Jean Putmans