Campbell: Advances Chapters 7-8

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Campbell: Advances Chapters 7-8

Post by Paul-Nitz »

This thread is for discussing Con Campbell's book, Advances in the Study of Greek (2015) Chapters Seven and Eight:
“Discourse Analysis I: Hallidayan Approaches” and “Discourse Analysis II: Levinsohn & Runge”

My two take-aways from these two chapters are a) I should re-read Runge’s “Discourse Grammar,” and b) I'd like to learn more about "boundary features" in Levinsohn's "Discourse Features" book. Are there other works similar to these?

A footnote in Chapter 8 refers to an article by Levinsohn, “The relevance of Greek discourse studies to exegesis”
I think many of the points made in that article would have been a good way to bolster the over-arching case in Campbell’s book that linguistics have something to offer the student of the Bible.
Paul D. Nitz - Lilongwe Malawi
Stephen Carlson
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Re: Campbell: Advances Chapters 7-8

Post by Stephen Carlson »

I'll leave the content of chapter 7 on Halliday to the Hallidayans. Chapter 8 looks like two extended book reviews of Levinsohn and Runge with some critical comments. They do belong in an "Advances" book.
Stephen C. Carlson, Ph.D.
Melbourne, Australia
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