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Verbal Syntax in the Greek Pentateuch

Posted: September 3rd, 2011, 7:27 pm
by Alan Patterson
Does anyone know where I can find scholarly Reviews of Trevor Vivian Evans' book Verbal Syntax in the Greek Pentateuch...?

Alan Patterson

Re: Verbal Syntax in the Greek Pentateuch

Posted: September 4th, 2011, 1:58 pm
by Ken M. Penner
XarisHumin wrote:Does anyone know where I can find scholarly Reviews of Trevor Vivian Evans' book Verbal Syntax in the Greek Pentateuch...?
For such queries, I often find WorldCat helpful: ... sults_page
You may also check the Pentateuch section of the Septuagint Zotero group: ... y/UHUWUPSV
I hope this helps,