ὁ Αμορις in Gen 14:13

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Devenios Doulenios
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Re: ὁ Αμορις in Gen 14:13

Post by Devenios Doulenios »

Many thanks, James. Do you know if the entire set is available in public domain?
Dewayne Dulaney
Δεβένιος Δουλένιος

Blog: https://letancientvoicesspeak.wordpress.com/

"Ὁδοὶ δύο εἰσί, μία τῆς ζωῆς καὶ μία τοῦ θανάτου."--Διδαχή Α, α'
Jean Putmans
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Re: ὁ Αμορις in Gen 14:13

Post by Jean Putmans »

The so called “Cambridge Maior” can be downloaded at Archive.org (there search for: Brooke Cambridge Septuagint) and You will find the published books, free download!

The Cambridge-Edition was never completed, since the Göttingen Septuaginta Projekt was started (https://adw-goe.de/en/forschung/abgesch ... ternehmen/).

The Göttingen Septuagint is now the scholarly-standard but - halas - not free availlable. And even the Logos-Edition is quite expensive (https://www.logos.com/product/4951/gottingen-septuagint).

Some parts of the Print-edition meanwhile appear in the antiquarian-market.
Jean Putmans
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Re: ὁ Αμορις in Gen 14:13

Post by Devenios Doulenios »

Yes, I fear I'll never be able to purchase any of the Göttingen volumes. Meanwhile, I'll happily use the Cambridge ones. Thanks, Jean.
Dewayne Dulaney
Δεβένιος Δουλένιος

Blog: https://letancientvoicesspeak.wordpress.com/

"Ὁδοὶ δύο εἰσί, μία τῆς ζωῆς καὶ μία τοῦ θανάτου."--Διδαχή Α, α'
Jean Putmans
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Re: ὁ Αμορις in Gen 14:13

Post by Jean Putmans »

Regarding τηι δρυι τηι Μαμβρη i looked in Migne Patrologia Graeca (good OCR’s here: http://khazarzar.skeptik.net/pgm/PG_Migne/) and I found some readings with Μαμβρηι instead of Μαμβρη, so probably Μαμβρη was read as the name of the tree, not the name of the owner.

ATHANASIUS-D-GR/De sancta trinitat. : «Ὤφθη δε αυτωι Θεος προς τηι δρυι τηι Μαμβρηι, καθ ημενου αυτου επι της θυρας της
Asterius-Amasenus/Homiliae. : δρυι τηι Μαμβρηι η τωι σπηλαιωι τωι ωνητωι, οπερ Ἐφραιμ ο Χετταιος εις ταφην της
CHRYSOSTOMOS-JOH/In illud Ne timueritis. : προς τηι δρυι τηι Μαμβρηι καθημενωι· και ιδου τρεις ανδρες. Και αναστας (ου γαρ
CYRIL-ALEXANDRIEN/Commentarii in Joannem. : και γαρ ειδεν ανδρας τρεις "προς τηι δρυι τηι "Μαμβρηι," αλλα και
CYRIL-ALEXANDRIEN/De adoratione et cultu in spiritu et veritate. : τωι Ἀβρααμ προσβαλλοντες εν τηι δρυι τηι Μαμβρηι, δυο δε τοις Σοδομοις
CYRIL-ALEXANDRIEN/De adoratione et cultu in spiritu et veritate. : «Ἀβρααμ τωι περατηι, αυτος δε κατυκει προς τηι δρυι τηι Μαμβρηι, Ἀμοῤραιου του
CYRIL-ALEXANDRIEN/De adoratione et cultu in spiritu et veritate. : προς τηι δρυι τηι Μαμβρηι, καθημενου αυτου επι της θυρας της σκηνης αυτου
CYRIL-ALEXANDRIEN/Thesaurus de sancta consubstantiali trinitate. : Προσκυνει γαρ αυτον Ἀβρααμ επι τηι δρυι τηι Μαμβρηι, προσκυνει και
Didymus-der-Blinde/De trinitate_. : ο προπατωρ εδιδαξεν εν τηι δρυι τηι Μαμβρηι, την αγιαν
Didymus-der-Blinde/Fragmenta in Psalmos. : προς τηι δρυι τηι Μαμβρηι; τοτε γαρ φησιν η γραφη Ωφθη ο θεος ̓Αβρααμ. και ταυτα
EusebiusCaesariensis/De ecclesiastica theologia. : «ωφθη δε κυριος ο θεος τωι Ἀβρααμ προς τηι δρυι τηι Μαμβρηι, καθημενου αυτου προς
EusebiusCaesariensis/Generalis elementaria introductio. : τηι δρυι τηι Μαμβρηι καθημενου αυτου επι της θυρας της σκηνης αυτου μεσημβριας·
EusebiusCaesariensis/Historia ecclesiastica. : ανθρωπος τωι Ἀβρααμ καθημενωι παρα την δρυν την Μαμβρηι· ο δ' υποπεσων αυτικα,
GregoriusVonNyssa/Liber de cognitione dei. : Ὤφθη δε τωι Ἀβρααμ ο Θεος προς τηι δρυι τηι Μαμβρηι, καθημενου αυτου επι
GregoriusVonNyssa/Testimonia adversus Judaeos. : προς τηι δρυι τηι Μαμβρηι, καθημενου 46.197 αυτου επι της θυρας της σκηνης αυτου
MaximusConfessor : επι του Ἀβρααμ, εν τηι δρυι τηι Μαμβρηι, και οτε εις Σοδομα επορευοντο· και τωι
MichaelGlyca/Annales. : καθημενος παρα τηι δρυι τηι Μαμβρηι παντας εφιλοξενει τους παροδευοντας, πιστους
ORIGENES/Commentarii in Romanos. : ελθων κατυ[κησε παρα τη]ν δρυν την εν Μαμβρηι, η ην εν Χεβρων, και ωικ[οδομησεν
PhotiusConstantinople/Fragmenta in epistulam ad Hebraeos. : πλησιαιτερος δε τωι Ἀβρααμ οικουντι προς τηι δρυι τηι Μαμβρηι. οιεσθαι δε χρη οτι και

Socrates and Sozomenus Scholasticus/Historia ecclesiastica. : Αὖθις δὲ ἑτέρας ἐκκλησίας ἐποίει· καὶ μίαν μὲν ἐν τῇ
καλουμένῃ δρυῒ τῇ Μαμβρῇ, ὑφ' ἣν τοὺς ἀγγέλους ἐξενίσθαι πρὸς τοῦ Ἀβραὰμ οἱ ἱεροὶ λόγοι μηνύουσι, κατεσκεύαζε.
CHRYSOSTOMOS-JOH/Contra theatra :την δρυν την καλουμενην Μαμβρη, ην συ τοις αγαθοις τροποις ημερωσας;
Jean Putmans
Ken M. Penner
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Re: ὁ Αμορις in Gen 14:13

Post by Ken M. Penner »

wwzeitler wrote: December 18th, 2023, 12:29 pm
Here's Wevers' comment on this
i know who Wever is, but I'm not figuring out the reference.
https://www.zotero.org/groups/14909/sep ... /4B9GF53K/
Wevers, John William. 1993. Notes on the Greek text of Genesis. Vol. 35 of Septuagint and cognate studies. Atlanta: Scholars Press.
Ken M. Penner
Professor and Chair of Religious Studies, St. Francis Xavier University
Editor, Digital Biblical Studies
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Ken M. Penner
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Re: ὁ Αμορις in Gen 14:13

Post by Ken M. Penner »

Jean Putmans wrote: December 19th, 2023, 2:51 am It’s not necessary that Chryststom himself changed to ομορος, possibly he had a manuscript with that reading:

https://archive.org/details/oldtestamen ... ew=theater
Thanks for the reference. Am I reading the apparatus right, that the printed editions of Chrysostom "correct" the ομορος in the manuscripts to ομορου in the editions?
Yes, I took Mambre as dative referring to the tree, not nominative referring to the Amorite. Perhaps in the LES we're missing an "of":
https://biblia.com/bible/lelxx2/Ge14.13 wrote:Now the Amorite himself dwelt at the oak of Mamre, of the brother of Eshcol and the brother of Onan, who were allies of Abram.
Ken M. Penner
Professor and Chair of Religious Studies, St. Francis Xavier University
Editor, Digital Biblical Studies
General Editor, Lexham English Septuagint
Co-Editor, Online Critical Pseudepigrapha pseudepigrapha.org
Jean Putmans
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Re: ὁ Αμορις in Gen 14:13

Post by Jean Putmans »

I don’t find any witness in the Chrysostom-Migne Edition with Μαμβρη and Αμορις/ομορις/ομορος/ομορου etc.

Mind: The Cambridge Septuagint used the Chrysostom quotations based on notes of De Lagarde, so to say “second hand”.

Maybe someone with admission to the Göttingen Sept. could check that.
Jean Putmans
Ken M. Penner
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Re: ὁ Αμορις in Gen 14:13

Post by Ken M. Penner »

Jean Putmans wrote: December 20th, 2023, 11:23 am Maybe someone with admission to the Göttingen Sept. could check that.
Here's apparatus 1 for Genesis 14:13:
13 παραγεναμενος n 343 392 | τῶν ἀνασωθέντων / τις A D 814 911 15-72´-135´ 77 f−53 343 t y−346´ 424 z 55 59 = Sixt] τις (τι* vid) ανασ. 75; om τις Cyr I 353; tr Chr VII 326 Genn 1645 Arm rell | ασωθεντων 343; διασωθεντων 16; ανασωθεν A; αναληφθεντων 376 | απηγγειλαν 79 53 n; ανηγγειλεν 318 59; απηγγελη Cyr I 353 | Ἀβράμ 1°] pr τω DG M 426 128 b d 53 t(τω αβρααμ 46) 527 54 Chr VII 326 | om τῷ περάτῃ 44 Aeth | αὐτός] αυτου 15; αυτων 55*(c pr m) | πρός] παρα b Chr VII 326 = Sixt; εν A 72´ | την δρυν 426 n 799 59 | τῇ 2°] την 426 75 799 59; > 343 | Μαμβρή] μαμβρην 426 75; μαμβρι 52-313*-615-761c 71; μαβρη 106 127* 346*(c pr m) 122*; mamrē BoL; μαμβη 246; μαβρι 707; μαυρην 799; μαυρη 82-376 550 44-107 53 424 | ὁ Ἄμορις] ομορις 135c 46c 121c; αμμορις 799; ομωρις 46*; ομορος 82-135*-426 d 129 122 54; ολμορις 55*; ομορου Chr VII 326te bis; αμμωρ Compl; του αμορραιου f−129 Armte(amorrhaeorumap) LatHi Quaest XXIII 19 ↓; > RaG.; om ὁ t−46 619 = Ald | Ἄμορις] αμωρις 458; αμορρις DG; αμμωρ 19´; αμμορ 314; αμωρ 108; γαμβρος 72; γαυρος 707; αμορραιου 75c 619 Cyr I 353 = Ald Sixt; + δε 135 | om τοῦ 1° Cyr I 353 | εσχολ 17´-72´-426 C´’−73 77 551* d 246*(c pr m) s−343 370 71-424 430; εσχορ 551*; εσχωα 319; εχωλ 74 619 | ἀδελφοῦ 2° 911 O b d−44 129-246 343 54 319] > 44 53´ AethC Bo; pr του rell = RaG | Αὐνάν] ευναν 71(vid)-424-619 122; αυτου M | om οἵ 55 | om συνωμόται—16:15 fin 376 | τοῦ ult] > 911; τω M 17´-72-426 d 53-664c n 134 Chr VII 326 bis | Ἀβράμ 2°] αβρααμ 25*-408*-500
Here's apparatus 2:
13 ἀνασωθέντων] σʹ διαφευγόντων (-φυγ. 57) 57-413(s nom) 130; σʹ διαφυγών 344′(ind ad παραγενόμενος) | τῷ περάτῃ] αʹ (+ τω 344′) περαΐτῃ 57-413(s nom) s−343 Ish 145 Barh; σʹ τῷ Ἐβραίῳ 57-413(s nom) s−343; περάτης ἑρμηνεύεται παρὰ τοῖς περὶ Ἀκύλαν ὁ Ἐβραῖος 135cat | ὁ Ἄμορις] αʹ (> 57) τοῦ Ἀμωρί (-μορ. 57′) σʹ τοῦ Ἀμορραίου (-μωρρ. 57-413(s nom) s−343 Ish 146
Ken M. Penner
Professor and Chair of Religious Studies, St. Francis Xavier University
Editor, Digital Biblical Studies
General Editor, Lexham English Septuagint
Co-Editor, Online Critical Pseudepigrapha pseudepigrapha.org
Jean Putmans
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Re: ὁ Αμορις in Gen 14:13

Post by Jean Putmans »


You are probably right, six Chrysostom-mss seem to have ομορος instead of ομορου.

TLG points for Chrys. tot PG53, p. 326 line 30 (that is Homilie XXXV: http://www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu/2 ... ia,_GM.pdf.
This Volume seems not te be in the OCR-Set I refered to.

The Migne Text is:
αυτος δε καωικει παρα τηι Μαμβρη ομορου, του αδελφου εσχωλ.

Below the column is the Note a) Sex mss hic ei infra Ομορος.

Thanks for the Göttingen Septuagint Part !
Jean Putmans
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