re: Infinitives and Acts 4:30

From: glweaver (
Date: Tue Feb 04 1997 - 14:38:07 EST

> Subject: Infinitives and Acts 4.30
> Can anyone cite an example where the construction EN TW plus the
> infinitive conveys an instrumental nuance as opposed to a temporal
> one? What about the construction found in Acts 4.30: EN TW
> ...EKTEINEIN, would it constitute such an example?
> Ph D candidate in religion
> Baylor University

Richard Young ("Intermediate New Testament Greek" [1994], p. 96)
provides Romans 1:9 EV TW EUAGGELIW TOU UIOU AUTOU as an example of
EV used to show means.

  Glenn L. Weaver Pastor, Grace Community Church
  (612) 588-2291 1300 N. Lilac Drive
                                       Golden Valley, MN 55422

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