Re: D.A. Black's book

From: Eric Weiss (
Date: Sun Feb 16 1997 - 00:11:21 EST

Micheal Palmer wrote:

I have the first edition of David Alan Black's little book _Linguistics
for Students of New Testament Greek: A Survey of Basic Concepts and
Applications_. I know it is now out in a second edition. Can anyone of
you give me the publication information for the new edition? What does
the new edition have that the first edition didn't?

Linguistics for Students of New Testament Greek - second edition - ISBN
0-8010-2016-6 $11.99 - Baker - 216pp.

From the Preface to the Second Edition: "Although the basic purpose and
content of the book have not changed, the present edition constitutes a
step forward in two ways. In the first place, I have updated the
bibliographies so that readers can appreciate the recent surge of
interest in biblical linguistics. Secondly, I have added a chapter
illustrating the place of discourse analysis (textlinguistics) in New
Testament exegesis. The need to devote an entire chapter to discourse
analysis became apparent to me in 1990 during a two-week conference of
biblical scholars, linguists, and Bible translators at the International
Linguistics Center in Dallas, Texas. That conference produced a volume
of essays intended to introduce students to the relevance of discourse
analysis for New Testament interpretation (see D. A. Black, ed.,
Linguistics and New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Discourse
Analysis [Nashville: Broadman, 1992]). My goal in the chapter on
discourse analysis is to offer a focused discussion of the structure and
theme of Philippians as a model of how some textlinguists go about their
work. I have arranged the pericopes of the letter into a comprehensive
outline that reveals the distinctive purpose of this often misunderstood
letter. In a subsequent publication I hope to show in greater detail how
the discourse structure of Philippians should shape our understanding of
this New Testament book."

"Eric S. Weiss"

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