Re: New Testament Greek Semantics

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Sun Feb 23 1997 - 22:45:41 EST

I am forwarding your message herewith to the B-Greek list. It just so
happens that we have recently finished a lengthy thread on just this
question (AGAPAW and FILEW in John 21); if you'd like to look at it, you
might consult the archives at

The entire discussion took place, I think, within February, so you won't
have far to look in those archives. Some bibliography was discussed in the
course of the thread, and this will bring some more out of the woodwork (or
network, as the case may be). One of the most important places to look
would be in the second volume of Raymond Brown's Anchor Bible commentary on
John's Gospel. He has some good appendix discussions of synonymous words in
John and he does discuss the question in his treatment of chapter 21, where
that interchange between Jesus and Peter involving the alternation of the
two verbs takes place.

At 9:20 PM -0600 2/22/97, Terry L. Papillon wrote:
>In an article published in Classical Weekly (CW [10 december 1945] 71-72),
>J.A. Scott argued (convincingly, I believe) that the Gospel of John uses
>two words for love (agapao and phileo) interchangeably. As he points out,
>this goes against what many commentators have said about the relative
>meanings of these (and other) words for love, and what I was taught as a
>young Greekling.
>My question to the group is for help with bibliography on this question
>since 1945. Have others addressed the issue? How about in other NT
>authors? Finally, if there is someone out there who would be able to
>forward this to a NT Greek list, with answers sent to me, I would be
>grateful. I will be curious about the responses (and differences in
>responses) from the two groups.
>Thanks in advance,
>Terry Papillon, Virginia Tech
>Dr. Terry L. Papillon
>Assistant Professor of Classics
>Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures
>331 Major Williams Hall
>Virginia Tech
>Blacksburg, VA 24061-0225
>540-231-8319 (office)
>540-231-4812 (fax)

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University
One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO, USA 63130
(314) 935-4018 OR

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