Re: Classical Greek textbooks

From: Edward Hobbs (
Date: Mon Feb 24 1997 - 13:24:34 EST

From: LUCY::EHOBBS "Edward Hobbs" 24-FEB-1997 13:22:55.13
To: IN%""
Subj: RE: Beginning Classical Greek

Eric, and others interested (Ken Litwak, take note):

I warmly second Carl Conrad's comments on the Cambridge Greek Course (JACT)
--READING GREEK (Cambridge). We have used it here, with quite good success.

Another text, more traditional in form but excellent, which we have also
used with success, is:

Hardy Hansen and Gerald Quinn, _GREEK: An Intensive Course_ (Fordham Univ.
Press). Be sure to get the Second Revised Edition (1992) (or later, if there
is one), not the "Revised Edition" of 1987. Quinn was killed in an auto
accident a year before the 1992 edition came out, but it was already at the
press before he died. It was modeled on the wonderful _LATIN: AN INTENSIVE
COURSE_, of which I am an admirer, but have not taught.

A third suggestion, which I have examined with some care but not taught, is
_FROM ALPHA TO OMEGA_, by Anne H. Groton (Revised Edition, 1995/1996,
published by Focus Information Group, Newburyport, MA 01950. It's $32.95,
over 500 pages, and an Answer Key for the exercises is available for $8.95, a
godsend for study on your own. It uses large amounts of real Greek, from the
first lesson on. Its use of real passages of real Greek is quite remarkable.

A fourth recommendation is of that by the great Guenther Zuntz, _GREEK: A
Course in Classical and Post-Classical Greek Grammar from Original Texts_
(2 vols.), edited by Stanley Porter, 1994 (Sheffield Academic Press). $37.50;
available from CBD for $29.95. This covers both classical and post-
classical, with large amounts of real Greek included. This isn't easy going
but may be what those knowing only NT Greek would like to use.

Edward Hobbs

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