Re: The language Jesus spoke

From: Isidoros (
Date: Wed Feb 26 1997 - 20:42:51 EST

>I think, the respondent had in mind :
>"Did Jesus ever teach in Greek?," _TynBul_ 44.2 (1993) 199-235.

Thank you Adrian Popa.
I am going to try and read that (though not so easy to find that
kind of English language material about Athens). Anyway, thanks,
and, if I may use the opportunity, I 'd like to say, on arelated subject,

I am really thankful for the many interesting, even if not in agreement
with my positions, postings I seem to read regarding the Koine
pronounciation, and generally its closeness to modern Greek. It does
seem to be a topic of considerable interest, and maybe of potential.
I know I owe some friends at least a responce to points they have
raised, but though pleased to 've read them, too buzy at the moment to
respond; I'll get to it as soon as I can, yet, in the meantime, may ask if

there are any other fellows that have any knowledge or experiences
that may support the theses that I've tabled, so we could hear of it, also.
If there are, will they kindly attest to it?! Thank you.

Xaris, and Agapi.


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