Re: Translation of Rev 3:8

From: H. Fred Nofer (
Date: Wed Feb 26 1997 - 23:27:53 EST

On Tue, 25 Feb 1997 15:30:17 -0800 (PST) lakr <> writes:
>> lakr wrote:
>> >
>> > I am studying participles in Mounce's textbook - chapter 30.
>> > It starts with an exegetical example and uses
>> >
>> > Rev 3:8 "QURAN HNEWGMENHN" as an example where the NIV,KJV
>> > and NASB are "weak" and "inadequate". The commentator makes the
>> > point that the perfect passive participle should be translated
>> > "an opened door" as oposed to "an open door". This makes sense to
>> > me, as I suppose in English this would be considered a past
>> > participle.
>> >
>> > Is there another side to this issue ?
>> >
>> > Sincerely,
>> > Larry Kruper

Ronald replied:

>> Larry...
>> I'm not sure exactly what other side issue you're looking for....but
>> Rienecker helps in this way instead of translating it as "an opened
>> door" get the sense of the participle he says "a door
>> open." He also suggest that the perfect tense as you
>> not only the perfected action in past time but the "continuing
>> condition." I guess a more 'elaborate' translation would be " a
>> which has been standing open." --to get the full effect of both the
>> perf. and and the passive....
>> Ronald Wong
>> O'Brien, FL

Larry responded:
>I wanted to make sure that 'an opened door', considering the tense
>form of the verb and the context was superior to 'an open door'
>before I considered this verse as a possible 'litmus test' of the
>quality of a particular translation.
>As for the translation "a door standing open", I am not sure it
>conveys more of a continuous thought to my mind than "an opened door",
>but it does seem to lose the sense that _someone_ opened the door
>as oposed to perhaps the wind blowing it open, or even that it may
>have always been open.
>I however, will reserve judgement at least until I have finished
>participles !
>Larry Kruper

I wonder if the phrase, "a door which stands open," gets the nuances of
the perfect "QURAN HNEWGMENHN" in Rev. 3:8?

* H. Fred Nofer, Th.D. "XARITI QEOU" *
* Pastor, Faith Bible Church
* P. O. Box 33425
* Reno, NV 89533 e-mail: *

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