Knowing that b-greekers use this site, I thought the following might be of interest. Check it out at Announcing planned changes for accessing the Perseus web site April 6, 1998 --------------------- The Perseus Project announces plans to change access to certain materials on the Perseus Project web site. Please note that Tufts University is currently engaged in negotiations with third-party rights holders of texts and images for expanding and enhancing the Perseus web site offerings. As a condition for enhancing current offerings and adding new materials to the Perseus web site, Tufts may be required to compensate rights holders for use of materials on the Perseus web site through payment of royalties. In order to permit continued operation and expansion of the Perseus web site, Tufts is currently considering restructuring of the Perseus web site to provide for both continued free access to certain materials as well as subsciption-based access to the complete Perseus database. In anticipation of successful negotiations with third-party rights holders and licensing of additional materials, Tufts University and the Perseus Project would like to advise user that, as of July 1, 1998, access to certain materials on the web site may be restricted to subscribers who will be required to pay a nominal subscription fee. Please continue to check the Perseus home page for updates on the proposed conversion and subscription rates. If you have any comments or questions regarding the web site conversion, please direct these to the Webmaster at the Perseus Project. ******************************************* * Edgar Krentz, Prof. of New Testament * * Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago * * 1100 EAST 55TH STREET * * CHICAGO, IL 60615 * * Tel: [773] 256-0752; (H) [773] 947-8105 * * * * Reply to: FFFF,0000, (office) * * orFFFF,0000,0000 (home) * *******************************************