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Longhouse Agenda

The next Blackfoot Nation Longhouse meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 6 at 5:30 pm at the Lakewood YMCA (2119 Chapel Hill Road, (919) 493-4502). The agenda items will be:
1. Progress Reports:
November Event - Jordan Lake - November 9-10, 2002 - Phil Hillsman/Occaneechi
December Event - Durham Holiday Parade - December 7, 2002, 3:00 pm: Tom Shumaker/Iroquois
December Event - Bell-ringing - TBD - Rick Owen/Shoshone
January Event - Pool Olympics - January 19, 2003 - Rick Owen/Shoshone

2. Invitations to Tribe Meetings

3. Patches, beads, feathers, and bear claws