“Hardly an epiphany”

The title is a quote from the article, in the author’s own words.  It is not meant in disparagement, not at all.


I think it is great that Bob Cesca of the Huffingtom Post wrote the article.  I am just surprised that the article makes a point worth making, at least at this stage of history.  The statement it makes has been obvious for many months now–since the Tea Party movement’s inception, actually.  As evidence, all anyone needs to do is look–vainly–for black faces in the audience for Sarah Palin’s address.


And here we are, trying to get all these cats herded toward something like universal health care.  These are people who believe, literally, in the account of creation in Genesis, who believe a failure to believe in that account is a serious moral flaw.  Thus, everyone they know well believes just as they do.

But I am not bigoted and small-minded on the issue of beliefs.  I believe people should be able to believe anything they want to believe.  I just hesitate when a person won’t subject his or her beliefs to any sort of  serious examination.  I also hesitate when this sort of person begins to have undue influence on politics and history.

It is a difficult, frustrating thing, living in America these days.  So much good could be done for so many people if we just stopped worrying about what kind of people the good would be done for.  Isn’t it obvious that the people in need would be the recipients of these kinds of benefits?  Isn’t it obvious that people in need have not been able, for one reason or another, to access the benefits of mainstream American life to help them along through life?

We live in a country that thinks it acceptable to right wrongs and injustices in faraway countries while leaving them to flower here at home.  Our blindness must be a thing of legend the world around.

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