Arts & Music Weather

The Noon Report

Good morning, Carrboro.
It’s about 30 degrees out there.
• Big story out of Chapel Hill: Chief Jarvies to retire
• Jamzetta Bedford elected head of the schoolboard, Pam Hemminger new vice-chair
• I know this is old news, but I’m still amazed UNC’s getting a 19 percent return on its money
• PSNC rate change approved. The way this is structured, you’re encouraged to use more gas in the summer.

Also, don’t forget that there’s art all over the place tonight, including openings at Wootini and the ArtsCenter.

One reply on “The Noon Report”

Nice write up. I think with this format you’re seizing the lead on intensely localized coverage.

I’ll be keeping an eye on the MSM’s response.

Congrats all around.

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