
Adams Tract walk

Here on the southside, just a little rain. Things may or may not be something.
Thinking about taking that Adams Tract hike with Ken.
Via The Citizen

I relish the winter woods; there is much to see, many subtleties of interest and beauty that are masked in the summer by dense foliage. The varied terrain of bare trees and the deafening silence of the winter woods are reasons enough to bundle up and become part of that scene. I find it very warming to simply snuggle in at the base of a big tree and linger long enough to hear wind and critter sounds interrupt the silence.

Here’s Ken with the details:

This coming Saturday afternoon, January 19, rain, snow or shine, I’m going to enjoy the winter woods of the Adams Tract. Though this is not an officially sponsored walk, you are welcome to join me at 1 p.m. beginning at the trail head kiosk in the lower part of Carrboro’s Wilson Park. Don’t forget your binoculars. And above all else, if you didn’t get out for a New Year’s Day walk, it’s not too late to treat yourself to a weekly walk in the woods.