
CHPD issues holiday shopping safety tips

This from the Chapel Hill Police Department:

Shopping Safely this Holiday Season

The holiday season is quickly approaching. The Chapel Hill Police Department would like to remind all citizens to be vigilant this holiday season and to report any suspicious activity to the police by calling 911.

Some crime prevention tips while shopping this holiday season:

• Park in well-lit areas, preferably near the door.
• Don’t leave anything in plain view inside your car. Place items in the trunk.
• Carry one credit card for all purchases.
• Shop with a friend.
• If you are alone, don’t be afraid to ask a security guard for an escort.
• If you are carrying cash for purchases, split the cash between several pockets to avoid showing a large amount of cash when paying for items.
• Have your keys in your hand when you leave the store.
• Walk to the parking lot with a group.
• Do not be so overburdened with shopping bags that you cannot defend yourself or enter your car quickly.
• Before unlocking your car, quickly check to make sure no one is hiding inside or underneath.
• If you see something or someone that looks suspicious, go back into the store and call 911.