Arts & Music

New art up at Driade, Open Eye

This just in from Scot Conary, owner of the Open Eye and Caffe Driade

December Featured Artist showing at the Caffe Driade Gallery

Valerie Tan

“I want my paintings to reflect our society in terms of a simpler time. My worklooks to a time where nostalgic small towns exist, and a place where small quaint farms exist. I try to create that feel through the use of simple forms and colors.”

December’s Featured Artist at the Open Eye Cafe Gallery

Shannon O’Connor

A graduate of Parsons School Of Design, NYC, Shannoncame here in 1993 to work
in Environmental Education with the Haw River Festival, and began salvaging old
barn boards that she found in the country side surrounding the Haw. After 13
years, Shannon has created many hundreds of these unique pieces of art–all of
which are now in private collections. She likes to keep her work in line with the Folk
Art Tradition–colorful and affordable.

Also at the Eye: Live music will be performed by Saludos Compay on the 2nd Friday artwalk on 12/12 at 8pm.