
H1N1 update from Orange County

Orange County Health Department updated the H1N1 case this evening. Here’s a recap via the Orange County web site:

• On Friday evening, the Orange County Health Department received notice of an Orange County resident with laboratory confirmed novel influenza A (H1N1). This marks the 13th confirmed case in North Carolina.
• The adult case is a health care worker, with mild illness and is self-isolated at home. To protect the privacy of the case and contacts we are limited in the release of protected health information.
• Orange Co. Health Dept. in collaboration with UNC Health Care and N.C. Division of Public Health has worked quickly to investigate and talk with all close contacts to this case.
• “UNC Health Care has a renowned infectious disease program. I am confident that UNC Health Care advises their health care staff regarding appropriate measures to reduce the risk of disease spread,” stated Dr. Rosemary Summers, Orange County Health Director.
• Travel history is no longer relevant as an exposure risk because of there is more than 6500 cases nationwide.
• “It is always a good practice to stay home when you are feeling sick,” said Dr. Summers
• Take action to protect your health. The health department recommends practicing consistent respiratory etiquette (covering coughs and sneezes with tissue) and proper hand washing. Clean commonly touched surfaces often. Avoid contact with people who have flu-like symptoms. Individuals with flu-like symptoms should contact their medical provider and avoid contact with others. Stay home from work, school, church or social gatherings for 7 days after start of illness or until at least 24 hours after symptoms have resolved whichever is longer.
For more information visit for the latest Orange County information and for Centers for Disease Control updates. Residents with general questions about H1N1 can call the 24-hour NC Care Line at 1-800-662-7030 (English and Spanish) or 1-877-452-2514 (TTY).