
Castillo sentenced to life without parole

Alvaro Castillo was found guilty of murder and sentenced to life without parole Friday in Hillsborough.
After shooting his father on August 30, 2006, Castillo, who had a history of mental illness and was obsessed with the Columbine school shooting, drove to Orange High School where he began firing at students. He was subdued by an Orange County Sheriff’s deputy and an off-duty highway patrol officer.
Castillo’s lawyers mounted an insanity defense, but jurors sided with prosecutors who detailed Castillo’s planning.
In-depth stories and the latest stories here, here and here.
Because of its association with Columbine the trial has been heavily covered.
Following are video links to key sections of the trial.
Reading of verdict and sentencing.

WRAL’s report on Friday with Castillo’s statement after sentencing.

Closing arguments.