Arts & Music

Gimme Five! Reese McHenry of The Dirty Little Heaters

dirtylittleheatersSpend any amount of time listening to The Dirty Little Heaters and you’ll see why their new record heralds them as The Champions of Imperfection. This quartet’s ferocious garage rock sound is an expert balance of fever and fervor built on ragged riffs, charging percussion, howling vocals, and (a fairly new addition) zealous keyboard runs.  The music is as sincere as it frayed, which in a way mirrors the band’s own evolution.

These Durham based rockers have faced their share of tumult, going through near break-ups and lineup changes that have left lead singer Reese McHenry as the only stalwart of the original lineup.  Despite that quaking beginning (or perhaps because of it), the current crew— McHenry, keyboardist Doug White, drummer Dave Perry, and bassist Rob Walsh— have clearly decided to channel their creative energies into a caterwaul of rock. Lingering frustrations are dispelled in song, minor aggravations are howled, and love is laid bare with the same vehemence some would ascribe to hate.  In short, this is a band that demands, not asks, for your attention and you can give it to them this Saturday, February 20th at the Local 506 when they celebrate the release of Champions of Imperfection along with local rockers Red Collar and Pink Flag.

And now the five most troublesome questions Reese McHenry’s faced in at least five minutes:


1. If your band were a breakfast cereal, what would it be?
I hope Lucky Charms because that would be magically delicious but the truth is this band is more like Wheaties drowned in whiskey.

2. When exactly did rock die and what are The Dirty Little Heaters doing about it?
We all know that Starship killed rock and roll.  How one band can fall from Surrealistic Pillow/White Rabbit to Knee Deep in the Hoopla/We built this City is seriously beyond me.  As a band we struggle and truly try  to write the greatest songs on the face of the earth -  being a balls heavy rock band comes naturally. Hopefully we’ll be able to write really good songs before we get to “We Built This City” – but we’ll see what happens.

3. Describe your feelings toward Kiss.
I desperately love Kiss!  Kiss was the first band I really took to by my own volition – and I first liked them by physically seeing a copy of the record Kiss Alive 2 that my friends older brother had. If there was ever a movie about my life that moment, when I was 7 years old, would be the pinnacle (because it led me to this set of questions, see?).


Seeing the live pictures of that band and the blood (I now realize fake but then…) truly blew my mind. I complained until my mom bought it for me and –  the booklet!  The Tattoos!  Now, mind you, I had yet to hear any music from Kiss.  I put every tattoo on, covering my arms, and put side 1 on the turntable.  My life was transformed.  My mom made me wash my tattoos off before dinner (still unforgiven by me) and I would not answer to anything but Beth from then on.  My grandma called me Beth until the day she died – not always but as a nickname.  I still listen to and love this record.  I defend my love of Kiss quite frequently.

4. Who/what might be a few inspirations or influences that might really surprise people?
Rob loves Lady Gaga and Karaoke – this whole band really loves (or will sing) karaoke.  My favorite kind of music is 50s and 60s pop but I really am drawn to anything with a catchy chorus.  Rob likes early 90’s grunge and Doug was influenced by Prog/Noise rock.  We all listen to Supertramp at top volume in the van and we talk about food incessantly.

5. What did you dream of being when you were a kid? (How ’d that turn out?)
I always wanted to be a happy rocker.  I am a happy rocker.

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Catch Reese and the rest of The Dirty Little Heaters at the release show for their new disc Champions of Imperfection this Saturday, February 20th at the Local 506 and be sure to give ’em a high five while you’re there.