Arts & Music

Gimme Five! Katharine Whalen

katharinewhalenWhen it comes to local musicians that need little introduction, vocal luminary and founding Squirrel Nut Zipper, Katharine Whalen is perhaps tops on that list.  She’s done her share of musical adventuring, storming with the Zippers through some raucous fusion of Delta blues, Gypsy jazz, Klezmer and beyond and musing the possibilities of 60s’ pop, trip-hop beats, and torch songs on other personal projects.  So, it’s not so much introducing her that’s the trick as it is unraveling the layered and experimental sounds that crowd her musical catalog.

With her latest outfit, Lucky, Whalen turns the page once again, this time toward surf-tinged rock’n’roll thick with 4-part harmonies and pop melodic sense.  The cast of characters  for this venture is rounded out by Will Dawson (of The Squirrel Nut Zippers), Ken Johnson, Darrell Young, and Steve Newton, and if you’re lucky you’ll catch them out live as they ramp up to a debut release due sometime this spring.

And now all that’s left are the five hardest questions in faux business:

1. If your band were a sitcom, what would it be?the-andy-griffith-show

The Andy Griffith Show.

2. When did you decide to start this new project?

I heard the first version of the song “Lucky” in a trailer behind “The N Club” in Greensboro before a snz show about 3 years ago. It was a punk-rock song originally, and I thought it would make a great country song.  We stole the rhythm section of our favorite bar band and the rest is history.

3. Describe the last time you felt really lucky.

This past month, when I was snowed in for 3 days with my family and lots of supplies (and cats) and I wrote 4 songs.

4. Who/what might be a few inspirations or influences that might really surprise people?

Mr Tater the Greatest Music Maker Alive, Tasha Tudor, Dare Wright, and John Steinbeck.

5. What did you dream of being when you were a kid? (How ’d that turn out?)

Veterinarian.  I do have a lot of several cats.

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Be sure to check back for the next furious five question assault to hit the blogosphere.  Keep tabs on Lucky shows and their upcoming release here.  And be sure to give Katharine a high five when you see her!