Arts & Music

Gimme Five! Stuart Edwards of Old Bricks

old bricks A gutturally honest new addition to the local scene, the music of Old Bricks combines splintered narratives, fragile vocals, and a cobweb-cluttered aural-field of effects and drum bursts.  Centered on the confessionally-tinged songs of Stuart Edwards and filled out with the help of Andy Holmes, the music is a bewitching blend of art and ache.  Though the project initially cut teeth in Nashville, it’s found its legs here nearer to their homesteads in Rocky Mount.

Thus far, they’ve released one EP and now, to our great luck, a debut LP collection of tunes, Farmers (available for preview over at IndyWeek).   If you really want to see what these guys are up to, you can catch them live (along with The Daredevil Christopher Wright and The Tender Fruit) at Slim’s in Raleigh on Friday, March 12th.

And now, five questions and five answers:

1. If your band were a president, who would it be?

Teddy Rooseveltteddy roosevelt

2. When did you decide it was time to share this music?

Never planned on not sharing it

3. Describe the perfect midnight snack.


4. Who/what might be a few inspirations or influences that might really surprise people?

tv on the radio

5. What did you dream of being when you were a kid? (how ’d that turn out?)

NBA star-dream died in sixth grade

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Even if that was a abbreviated,  be sure to toss a high five at the Old Bricks when you catch ’em out. And check back next week!