
Dog Days

There’s always something bittersweet about August.
Across our town, state and nation, children will return to school to crack open (perhaps not-so) fresh textbooks and dust off their knowledge of multiplication tables and sentence diagrams. University students will flood back to towns that have perhaps felt a bit too relaxed these past couple months in cars overloaded by all that a dorm room outfit might need, and more. Elected officials will start a new session with yet-unsullied plans for the year, and football fans will revel in the start of the college and NFL seasons.
But before school days and meetings and rush parties commence, let’s all enjoy these last few weeks of summer. Yes, we’ll continue to have sweltering heat well into September (Mother Nature doesn’t keep a calendar and the Dog Days are in full swing), but as the second half of the month moves closer, the mindset is sure to change as datebooks become increasingly crowded and afternoons are far too busy for a trip to the pool.
It’s difficult to keep that busy feeling from creeping in well before it should – but it can be done. For my money, summer is the best time of year. Enjoy these last (really more than) few lazy weeks and soak it up while you can. Head up to Hillsborough for Last Fridays, or visit the Forest Theater for a Paperhand Puppet performance. Sip on a summer beer, and prepare a seasonal meal to go with it – because come fall, the extra time seems to slip away as quickly as a summer tan fades.
– Susan Dickson