Arts & Music

Gimme Five! Montgomery Morris of Flesh Wounds

When her punk band Thee Scab Eaters disbanded because its other founding members had children, Laura King decided to recruit a new crew to make loud, rock music that cuts to the quick. Flesh Wounds does just that. King, Montgomery Morris and Dan Kinney have only just begun pounding out brutal sets of tunes. With a release tentatively set for sometime in April and a handful of tour slots lined up, these punks are aiming to annihilate your eardrums in the best possible way.

See how their howling guitarist takes up our five question assault after the jump!

1. If your band were a natural disaster, what sort would it be?
We would be a syphilis outbreak because we start with an “f” and end with wounds.

2. When did you decide to start this project?
I started this project when Laura asked me to answer these questions because she didn’t want to.

3. Describe the most punk rock thing you’ve ever done.
There was this one girl in high school with yellow streaks in her hair but mostly they’ve been sort of hipster librarian types since then, so nothing too punk rock at all. Even though I doubt anyone who knows her will read this, you asked me to be descriptive, so I will. Anyway, this one with the yellow streaks, she was adopted at birth by a white family but was probably of South Asian descent. She had a name that was the same as a famous Rolling Stones song, and I used to sing that song to her even though the emotions in that song had nothing to do with our brief romance. She had brown skin and big beautiful lips that stuck out even further because she had braces. She was kind of wild and didn’t sleep very much so she always had puffy eyes, but I never cared. Her hair was as wild as her nature, and it would sometimes frizz out and the mean girls of our high school called her “Fraggle Rock,” but she was so punk rock she embraced that denigrating appellation and wore it as a badge of honor. She would frequently dye those yellow streaks into her naturally black hair, so I think the constant dyeing had a lot to do with the damaged hair. But yeah, she was into punk rock, mainly pop-punk like Blink-182 and Green Day but I can’t really fault her for that since this was rural North Carolina in the days before the internet so we didn’t know about things we were supposed to like, like Jawbreaker or the Oblivians. Anyway, she destroyed me in class one time when we were given the assignment of picking one song that best represented our lives. I picked some stupid early Grateful Dead song because it was about exuberance, but she picked “Iris.” I mean “Iris” by the fucking Goo Goo Dolls! Can you believe that? Anyway, two weeks into our relationship, she said I was too smart for her (really, she said that) and that was the end of that. Was that descriptive enough?

4. Who/what might be a few inspirations or influences that would really surprise people?
I like a lot of the big names in free jazz and some of the early “new music” guys like Ornette Coleman, Shepp, Cherry, etc. get me excited about playing rock’n’roll. Same with the weirder moments from Sun Ra, Roland Kirk, Trane and contemporary guys like Darius Jones and David S. Ware. Every day we try to write a song better than the worst Dead Moon song and can’t do it so that’s a band that should be inspiration to everyone.

5. What did you dream of being when you were a kid? (how ’d that turn out?)
I think all three of us dreamed of being musicians but we’re bartenders and office workers instead. We do get to play music a lot, so NYEAHHHHHHHHH.

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Drag yourself over to the Cats Cradle Thursday, March 1st to see Flesh Wounds, Heartless Bastards, and The Fling destroy the stage. And by all means, give Montgomery a high five when you see him!