Arts & Music

Gimme Five! Christopher Hutcherson-Riddle of Motor Skills

Christopher Hutcherson-Riddle and Mike Dillon are no strangers to collaboration. Their musical relationship goes all the way back to Manteo in the summer of 2000. That “dance punk trio” didn’t last and neither did Tron Valdez, a follow-up project that happened six years later. Now, as Motor Skills, their together again, creating music that seethes with 80s post-punk attitude and dance-rock aggression.

Their new album, Moving Island, and a companion covers project called reWORK come out Tuesday, May 8th. Before we let them start partying too hard, first we must know, can one of their own handle our five questions? Find out after the jump.

1. If your band were a mode of transportation, what sort would it be?
We would be a rickshaw. Sucks a little if you are the dude pulling and takes a little more time to get where you are going but it’s way more fun. Also the driver is getting some exercise, and who doesn’t love endorphins?

2. What do you hope listeners discover through the new record?
Well, we want people to discover us! Also, that there is an active progressive music scene here in the triangle. I know that there are tons of acts in the national eye coming out of NC, but we like to think that we represent a slightly different perspective. There is a serious and tight electronic community here too.

3. Describe the intentions behind the reWORK project.
reWORK came about out of curiosity really. I love remixes (Ignition remix anyone?) but I thought it could be put through sort of a Motor Skills filter. I’ve always felt more creative writing within a set of rules and instead of just having people do a no holds barred remix, we set some parameters, hoping that listeners would hear more of the actual writing process that belongs to each band we invited to participate. In my opinion, it totally worked.

4. Who/what might be a few inspirations or influences that would really surprise people?
Maybe Suede? Pulp and Blur for sure. Not sure if anyone listening would think of that off hand but Mike and I have worn out CDs and DVDs from all those bands.

5. What did you dream of being when you were a kid? (how ’d that turn out?)
My first big dream was to be a millionaire. I don’t know if I ever really had a plan for that as a kid. Should have picked something and stuck to it I guess. At least it wasn’t a soccer player or an astronaut or something totally unreachable. There is always the powerball, right?

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Drive on over to Kings Barcade next Friday, May 11th to help Motor Skills celebrate the release of their new album, Moving Island. And, by all means, give Christopher a high five when you see him!