
Carrboro Spirit

May is typically a month of flowers, graduations, celebrations, mothers and strawberries – and of North Carolina’s primary elections, which in many years go by without so much as the raise of an eyebrow from a good chunk of our state’s population. But this year, unless you’ve been hiding under a rock (and yes, some of you probably have been), you’ve no doubt heard the conversation surrounding a certain ballot item that would place an amendment in the state constitution defining marriage as only between a man and a woman.

Throughout our community, events that typically focus simply on food, art or music have taken a decidedly political focus of late, more specifically, a sharp stand against Amendment One. It’s been heartwarming to see various factions within our community coming together to fight this ballot measure – just this past weekend, local chefs and musicians hosted a fundraising event/get-out-the-vote rally on the Town Commons that drew residents of all colors, young and old, students and non-students, who came out to grab a bite to eat and show their support while listening to some great tunes.

In the regular issue of The Citizen, we’ve given you a number of reasons to vote against Amendment One this election (you’ll find even more of that on page 6 of this week’s paper), and it’s nice to see that message taking various forms, in true Carrboro fashion.
– Susan Dickson