Arts & Music

Gimme Five! Jonathan Le Sueur of LiLa

With a hip hop sound that veers all over the map from folk to dubstep, Durham’s LiLa is out to conquer audiences. They’ve honed their vibe over three records and created a live dynamic that surges with energy.

The band’s got their style on lock, but can one of their founding father’s handle our five questions? See for yourself after the jump.

1. If your band were a breakfast cereal, what would it be?
Our band never eats breakfast, however, we’d probably be part of a balanced bobo brand cereal. Reason being, we’re still independent & unsigned, which makes us cheap for the consumer but still with all the flavor and nourishment. We fill you up with a sound like oatmeal but mix it up like a batch of lucky charms (no corn syrup).

2. When did you start to think music might really work out as something more than a living room hobby?
You know the music is working out when it sounds good. Our goal still stems from the personal gratification we get out of recording songs that sound good and performing them. Sometimes we take our hobbies seriously. Right? In order to sustain and grow it takes some sensibility and a pragmatic approach, but as long as the music grooves, we know it’ll be a success.

3. Describe your ambition.
Something like 50 Cent meets Steve Jobs in an episode of Pinky and the Brain! I would quantify my ambition by describing our body of work and how unfinished I consider it. We have albums left to record and venues left to play. We take this unfinished sense of ambition one step at a time and our next step is to go on tour.

4. Who/what might be a few inspirations or influences that would really surprise people?
Tim & Eric, Beastie Boys, & Youtube sensations. That dude from police academy that makes the sound effects with his mouth. Bushmills, smooth and mellow. We were not influenced by Disney and Master P “Make em say uhnn.” Yall know what it is. But the biggest influence of all is the fact that long after we are gone our music will remain.

5. What did you dream of being when you were a kid? (How ’d that turn out?)
I’m still dreaming. I’ll let you know.

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Hop over to The Pinhook this Friday, June 15th to hear LiLa in action. And, by all means, give Jonathan a high five when you see him!