
Chatham water treatment change

This from the county:

Temporary Chatham Water Treatment Change Could Affect Some Customers

PITTSBORO—From Jan. 15 to Feb. 15, 2009, Chatham County will temporarily stop adding
ammonia to its water treatment disinfection process, which will affect water
supplied to the northeast and southeast parts of the county. The water will still
be safe for everyday use, including drinking and cooking, but some special customers
are advised to take precautions.

“Kidney dialysis patients and those who keep fish in ponds or tanks filled with
county water should take special precautions during this one-month period,” said Roy
Lowder, director of Chatham County Utilities. “These residents should treat county
water to remove chlorine during this time or use alternative water sources.”

Also, customers who pre-treat county water using their own processes, such as
filters or softeners, should be aware of the temporary change and consult the
manufacturer of their equipment for recommendations, Lowder added.

“Typical customers will only notice a slight reduction in the odor and taste of
chlorine during this period,” Lowder said.

The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources requires all
water systems using “chloramination” treatment to stop the addition of ammonia for a
one-month period each year. Lowder said that “taking this temporary measure
provides an additional safeguard to prevent potential biological growth in the

Chatham County Utilities uses both ammonia and chlorine in its disinfection process.
Ammonia is added to the water in a carefully regulated dose and reacts with the
chlorine to produce chloramines. This chloramination process ensures the safety of
the water.

Lowder said that the Utilities Department will also flush the water distribution
system during this period, which will speed up the disinfection process. Flushing
the system may result in minor discoloration of water, so he advises customers to be
cautious in laundering light-colored items during this period.

Customers with questions or concerns should contact Chatham County Utilities
Customer Service at 919-542-8270.