Arts & Music

Gimme Five! Shayne Miel of The Future Kings of Nowhere

For two years there, the Future Kings of Nowhere were preoccupied with new wives, new businesses, and bad diagnoses, to say the least. Lead singer, Shayne Miel’s return to Durham and recovery from Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma would be enough to celebrate, but reforming the band after such a raucous couple of years has its glory too. The Kings are back to bring their acoustic punk to the masses. Miel and a gang of collaborators who have been with him from the beginning have already recorded a new EP, Pirates (out now) and a full length (due later this year) to get the ball rolling again.

So sure, these pop punk royals have their warpath laid out for them, but can their fearless leader handle the hardest questions in faux business? See for yourself after the jump.

Arts & Music

Advance Notice: The Week in Happenings 5/7-13

Here because you can’t be trusted to know where to go hear the good stuff every night of the week. (ppppsssstt. Don’t forget to vote!)

Arts & Music

Gimme Five! Anna Rose Beck

In 2011, Anna Rose Beck released her debut EP, The Weathermaker, a seven song showcase of her fingerpicked acoustic guitar lines and lovely melodies. It’s not a bad start, especially for someone who picked up music late in life (specifically one summer spent not studying for her biomedical engineering degree at Duke) and taught herself to play and sing.

So sure, Beck’s got the chops and the guts to face down Duke professors and audiences alike, but can she handle our five questions? See for yourself after the jump.

Arts & Music

Advance Notice: The Week in Happenings 4/30-5/6

Your guide to all the places to rock and rock the vote in the week ahead.

Arts & Music

Gimme Five! Christopher Hutcherson-Riddle of Motor Skills

Christopher Hutcherson-Riddle and Mike Dillon are no strangers to collaboration. Their musical relationship goes all the way back to Manteo in the summer of 2000. That “dance punk trio” didn’t last and neither did Tron Valdez, a follow-up project that happened six years later. Now, as Motor Skills, their together again, creating music that seethes with 80s post-punk attitude and dance-rock aggression.

Their new album, Moving Island, and a companion covers project called reWORK come out Tuesday, May 8th. Before we let them start partying too hard, first we must know, can one of their own handle our five questions? Find out after the jump.

Arts & Music

Advance Notice: The Week in Happenings 4/23-29

Here because you can’t be trusted to know where to hear the good stuff every night of the week.

Arts & Music

Gimme Five! Jeb Brinkley of Bevel Summers

Jeb Brinkley and his partner in musical crime, David Hutcheson have only just started dusting off their musical chops. As Bevel Summers, the two play folky Americana jams that fit in as well at a honkytonk as they do with a heartbroken hangover.

These two rascals are off to a good start, but can one-half of their country music equation handle our furious five questions?

See for yourself after the jump.

Arts & Music

Advance Notice: The Week in Happenings 4/2-8


Here because you can’t be trusted to know where to go to hear the good stuff every night of the week.

Arts & Music

Gimme Five! Russell Baggett of Some Army

photo by Agatha Donkar

The way Russell Baggett tells it, Some Army was an accident– a few friends decided to record together on a whim and a band was born. The group formed in early 2011, released a 7″ to warm welcome in early 2012 and now has the triangle waiting impatiently for more of their psych-americana to be released.

This Army of local music vets is sure to have a few tricks up their uniform sleaves, but can their fearless leader handle our five question assault? See for yourself after the jump.

Arts & Music

Gimme Five! Murat Dirlik of Caltrop

photo by markus shaffer

Four years ago, Carrboro’s reigning blues-bent metal titans, Caltrop, released their debut record. This April, they unleash their follow-up, ten million years and eight minutes.

Before they can shock your eardrums with their peculiar and awesome blend of influences, we asked one of their own to face our five question assault.  See the results after the jump.

Arts & Music

Advance Notice: The Week in Happenings 3/19-25

Here because you can’t be trusts to know where to hear the good stuff every night of the week.