
A quick site update

Couple of things to as the Citizen prepares for an official launch on January 1:
Please send in requests on items to cover over the next few months including any regular features. You can email us via the Contact Page or just leave a comment on this post.

If you’re interested in placing an ad to have it ready by launch, please consider doing so soon. You can go direct to our blogads link or visit the Advertising Page.
Also, the non-local advertising has shifted a bit with a new (better) adserver. You might have noticed there’s a banner up top of the header. That would be the one that’s going to pay (some of) the light bill. The new adserver is running surveys for now, so bear with it if you can.
This is by no means a for-profit venture, though, so don’t worry; I’ll put up a nice tip jar soon.


Noonlike Report

Hey, it’s almost the Solstice.

Tom Jensen has a rather funny post on some of the folks who got write-in votes in the last election.

Via H-S: Foster found competent to stand trial

From last night’s briefing by attorneys for Sima Fallahi.


Noon report

The Carrboro Commons tabloid is on the street so grab one. Hats off to the whole crew. The Commons site gears up again with the new school year.
Here’s the list of locations so far: Weaver Street Market, Townsend & Bertram, Visart, Elmo’s, Century Center, Town Hall, Open Eye and Carrburritos.

Orange Politics points us to the community meetings this afternoon and evening on Carolina North.

To accommodate different schedules, we will hold two sessions. The information reviewed at both will be the same so attend whichever is most convenient for you. Both sessions will be on Wednesday, December 13th in room 2603 of the School of Government:

3:00 – 5:00 PM. Parking available in either the Hwy 54 Visitor Lot or in the Rams Head deck.

6:00 – 8:00 PM. Parking available in the School of Government parking deck.

For more information: University’s Carolina North news page.

Meanwhile, check out these other tales of the city:
The Indy on the new Pedicabs:

The coming months will determine whether there’s a niche market for pedicabs in the Triangle. In the longer run, as the price of oil inevitably climbs and the health of our planet correspondingly declines, human-powered transport will become increasingly attractive. Years from now, today’s pedicabbers might be remembered less as John Henrys than as pioneers.

CHN’s Randy Young on the Carrboro Falcons:

The disillusioned and soul-sore sports fan should take a walk around Carrboro’s Anderson Park and try to find an unused patch of green grass. Or watch a soccer game evolve in the outfields of a field at Cedar Falls Park. Or simply stroll around the UNC campus on a sunny afternoon.


The Noon Report: Tuesday, Dec. 12

Ah, good morning. Nice clear day.


Chancellor goes to China on a health care mission.

Not a local story, but certainly a local issue via Reuters and Pew: Study shows illegal immigrants add $18 billion to the Texas economy.

Couple of more stories from the Commons:

• Small business gears up for Christmas
• La Virgen comes to Carrboro


Noon Report: Monday Dec. 11

Good morning.

Edwards and Hardball fans get your tickets.

Anybody seen that sireen from the old fire truck?

Ms. McCants is playing well ankle and all. Heels over WNC 87-58.

And if you haven’t seen the new high school you can take a visual tour starting here or click on the screen capture below.



The Noonish report

Yeah, noon-ish. It’s Sunday after all.


Couple of interesting stories out there including this shocking headline in the CHN: Carrboro trying to manage growth. Here’s the agenda item and additional materials from the meeting (pdf) on guidelines for a development moratorium. If you’ve got time, you can see the discussion of this at 1 hour and 52 minutes into the Board of Aldermen meeting on Dec. 5. You can click the photo to start the RealPlayer. (You’ll have to scroll to 1:52 on yer own.)

Also worth checking out in the CHN is Will’s column about Chapel Hill’s missed opportunities.


The Herald has a story about the decreasing number of new courses being created in the schools and another story about public health officials still looking for the source of the recent e. coli outbreak.

State & National stories via my Exile blog:

• Wired News on how the new Privacy Board that’s supposed to be reviewing the NSA program is a joke.
• Fraternity fires elsewhere bring up painful memories here. The question again: Why are there still so many Houses without sprinklers?
• The 109th Congress: Fought to do nothing for America until the bitter end.
• That’s right, they did do something: They said they didn’t do nuthin’.
• Oh, and Screwy says so long to The Hon. Charles Taylor
• Strange twist from latest Amber Alert in WNC
• From the Char-O: Meck sheriff signs up for the ICE program and becomes anti-immigration hero
• Pam’s got a choice for Queer of the Year
• And, thanks to a sudden lack of television crews we all got to listen to Roy win his 500th game on the radio.


Roy Williams wins Number 500

The Tar Heels blew the High Point Panthers off the court tonight giving Coach Roy Williams his 500th career win. The game was not televised. Third time this year the Heels have had five players in double figures.
Short ceremony on ‘CHL afterward.
Carolina: 94
High Point: 69

Arts & Music

Eric Bachman’s Carrboro Woman

Nice post about Eric Bachman touring his new set of recordings, which includes the song “Carrboro Woman,” a beautiful song but rather sad tale. Here’s a live recording of it from the post. And a Quicktime movie of the song “Lonsome Warrior” from Eric”s site.



The Noon Report

Good afternoon, Carrboro.

Poster Artist Ron Liberti takes in the morning spectacle.

Christmas parade instant review: Need better floats, more bands and what happen to the Chicken Man? Favorites were the Heelraiser, rockus dune buggys and that mysterious Army vehicle asking Santa to bring the troops home. Also, a lot of people seemed to enjoy walking in the parade and talking on their cellphones. Note Santa’s helper below.


In other news,
• The Peoples Channel is having a potluck today.
• Confusion over the legal fund being set up for Sima Fallahi. Also, word from Rep. Price’s office that she’ll stay in detention in Charlotte for now. (Developing)
• CHN on Rev. Manley.
• Crosstown traffic: Last night’s basketball game was intense. Chapel Hill High 77 East Chapel Hill High 68. The Tigers, who had four players with 14 points or more, outscored the Wildcats by 24 to 12 in the last quarter.
• Also, all eyes on the Edwards not-yet-a-Campaign. Reports from Southern Village show a keen interest among the locals about the new offices. Hardball’s coming on Tuesday so maybe we’ll see Chris Mathews around town. Anyone got an idea of when they’ll announce they’re going to announce? OneAmerica’s blog here.


Christmas Parade

Right down Main Street is the place to line up this morning. I’d find a spot in the sun, it’s 19 degrees out there right now. May get up past 25 degrees by parade time. The parade starts at the Morehead Planetarium at 10 and it usually takes 20 minutes or so for the first in line to make it across the tracks. Ends at town hall.
Photos from last year via


Update on Sima Fallahi

Word from Congressman David Price’s office this evening that Sima Fallahi will be able to remain in Charlotte for now. There had been concern that she would be taken to Atlanta as soon as this weekend in preparation for a court hearing on her case.
Price, incoming chair of the appropriations subcommittee that will oversee the DHS budget, recently spoke with DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff about the case. Price’s office received word this afternoon from DHS that Fallahi will be able to remain in Charlotte and closer to her 11-year-old daughter “for the time being.” She will probably be taken to Atlanta closer to her hearing date.

Catch up on the discussion on Orange Politics.

Keep up with the latest and sign up to stay informed at’s Sima page.