
One Hundred Years of Journalism Education at UNC

Consecrated to the Common Good: One Hundred Years of Journalism Education at UNC
Wednesday, Feb. 11
2:30-4 p.m.
George Watts Hill Alumni Center

This year, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication commemorates the 100th anniversary of the first journalism course taught at UNC. Former Dean Tom Bowers will relate the story of the first century of journalism education on campus by focusing on people who shaped the program. The personalities include a dean who inspired a character in a novel, a beloved faculty member who was the basis for a comic-strip character, another who was unwittingly part of the quiz-show scandals of the 1950s and one who was ridiculed for predicting that computers would change journalism. Bowers also will tell of the influence of an alumnus who tried to change the school and threatened to ask Duke University to start a journalism school if UNC did not follow his wishes. Alumni and friends who have materials or stories to share are encouraged to contact Bowers at

For more information, please contact Laura Sheppard at 843-5115 or


Local sources for V-Day chocolates

You might have caught the feature on locally made chocolates in last week’s Mill. We’re reprinting the list of resources here in hopes you’ll help us add to it:

Carolina Confectionery Company, 967-7500
Hand-made toffee from mom’s recipe and other candies
Valentine’s specials: Heart-shaped box of toffee ($35)
or Heart-shaped box of truffles ($40)

Matthew’s Chocolates
107 N. Churton St., Hillsborough, 732-0900
Selection of chocolate changes weekly

Miel Bon Bons Patisserie & Confiserie, Carr Mill Mall, 967-2313
Hand-crafted petit fours and bon bons

Who’d we miss? Drop a line with the business’ name and contact information to margot at or post a comment here. We’ll keep updating the list as we find new sources.


Loco for chocolate

Two of our favorite local food producers are collaborating to bring more sweet goodness to our taste buds. Beginning Feb. 4, 10 varieties of Locopops will be available at Matthew’s Chocolates (170 N. Churton St.) in Hillsborough. And on Feb. 6, all Locopops outlets will begin offering Matthews Chocolates Barks. The Chapel Hill location is at 231 S. Elliott Rd.

You can read more about Matthew’s Chocolates for Valentine’s Day in the February Mill, included in this week’s Citizen.

The Eater

SANDWHICH in Bon Appetit

Sandwhich’s Lamb tagine makes Bon Appetit’s list of best dishes in 2008.

They’re at 431 W. Franklin St. 929-2114, and on the web.

Arts & Music

“Walls that Bleed” showing at UNC

“Walls that Bleed”, a documentary chronicling an student-led uprising at Dudley High School and North Carolina A&T in Greensboro that helped shape the state’s civil rights movement, will be shown at 6 p.m. on Feb. 3. A reception will precede the film at 5:30 p.m., and panel discussion will follow. All events will be held in the Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building at 325 Pittsboro St. Though free and open to the public, reservations are requested. Please RSVP to Cookie Newsom at


Chapel Hill Town Council agenda

Draft agenda for next Monday’s Chapel Hill Town Council Meeting

Monday, December 8, 2008
7:00 p.m.
Draft Agenda – Last Updated 12/04/08
Town Council Regular Business Meeting
1. Proclamation and Special Reports:
1. Proclamation recognizing Bill of Rights Day.
2. Update on Carolina North.
2. Public Forums and Hearings: None.
3. Petitions by citizens and announcements by Council members. Petitions will not be acted upon at the time they are presented. It shall take a unanimous vote of the Council members present for a petition to be acted upon immediately upon its presentation. After receiving a petition, the Council shall, by simple motion, dispose of it as follows: consideration at a future regular meeting of the Council; or referral to another board or committee for study and report; or referral to the Town Manager for investigation and report; or receive for information. (Receiving does not imply approval, agreement, or consent.)
1. Petitions by citizens on items not on the agenda.
1. Chandler’s Green Homeowner’s Association regarding speed humps.
2. Petitions by citizens on items on the agenda.
3. Announcements by Council members.
4. Consent agenda: Items of a routine nature will be placed on the Consent Agenda to be voted on in a block. Any item may be removed from the Consent Agenda by request of the Mayor or any Council Member. (R-1)
1. Adoption of minutes.
The Council will consider adopting minutes from the May 5, 2008 Legislative Breakfast, May 5, 2008 Business Meeting and May 12, 2008 Public Hearing.
2. Nominations to various boards and committees (R-2).
The Council will consider nominations to fill vacancies on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board, Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission, Historic District Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Board, and Sustainability Committee.
3. Resolution amending Council Calendar. (R-3)
The Council will consider amending their meeting calendar to include joint meetings with the UNC Board of Trustees regarding Carolina North.
4. Fee schedule change for Communications & Public Affairs. (R-4)
The Council will consider a resolution amending the 2008-2009 user fee policy to include new merchandise made available to the public by Communications and Public Affairs.
5. Acceptance of FY2008-2009 COPS Law Enforcement Technology Grant. (R-5, O-1)
The Council will consider a resolution authorizing the acceptance of the COPS Law Enforcement Technology grant funds and a budget ordinance amendment appropriating the COPS grant funds.
6. Budget Ordinance to approve a Grant for Project Safe Neighborhoods. (R-6) (O-2)
The Council will consider a resolution authorizing the acceptance of the Project Safe Neighborhoods grant funds and a budget ordinance amendment appropriating the PSN grant funds.
7. Resolution to approve the purchase of seven light duty transit vehicles. (R-7)
The Council will consider a resolution to purchase replacement EZ Rider lift-equipped vans.
8. Authorization to contract with an artist for the Greenways Trail Extension Art Project. (R-8)
The Council will consider a resolution to authorize the Town Manager to contract with Al Frega for the Greenways Trail Extension Art project.
9. Resolution to call public hearings regarding several Land Use Management Ordinance Text Amendments. (R-9)
The Council will consider pending Land Use Management Ordinance Text Amendments and a proposed schedule
10. Resolution moving the date of the Aydan Court public hearing. (R-10) The Council will consider a resolution, which continues the public hearings for the Aydan Court Zoning Atlas Amendment and Special Use Permit Applications from December 8, 2008 to February 9, 2009.
5. Information items. These items are reports or information for the Council.
1. Report on gymnasium for Elementary School #11.
The Council will consider a report which recommends that the Town of Chapel Hill decline this opportunity to participate with the school system to build a full-sized gymnasium while encouraging continued cooperation between the school system and the Parks and Recreation Department.
2. Response to a petition regarding accessory apartments.
The Council will consider information on a petition requesting that the Town consider revising the Land Use Management Ordinance to require property owners to reside in the primary dwelling unit if an accessory apartment, associated with the primary residence, is rented.

Main Discussion
6. Report on Pedestrian Safety Improvement Projects (Staff Presenter: Roger Stancil, Town Manager)
The Council will receive reports that includes background information and updates regarding the following items:
1. Update on Transit Safety Activities (Staff Presenter: Steve Spade, Transit Director)
2. Report on Pedestrian Safety Measures (Staff Presenter: Kumar Neppalli, Engineering Services Manager)
7. Follow-up Report regarding night work for the Greenbridge Project (Staff Presenters: Kumar Neppalli, Engineering Services Manager and Brian Curran, Police Chief)
The Council will consider a follow-up report regarding night work on the Greenbridge project located adjacent to the intersection of West Rosemary Street and Merritt Mill Road.
8. Presentation for art at Lot 5 (Presenters: Jeffrey York, Public Arts Administrator and Mik Young Kim).
The Council will consider a report on the artwork design process, comments on the preliminary design by the public, staff, and Public Art Review Committee leading to the revised design presentation.
9. Library expansion project scheduling options and their respective budget implications. (Staff Presenter: Bruce Heflin, Assistant Town Manager) (R-11)
1. Impact of Economy on Town Budget (Staff Presenter: Kenneth C. Pennoyer, Business Management Director)
2. Library Expansion Project Scheduling Options and Their Respective Budget Implications (Staff Presenter: Bruce Heflin, Assistant Town Manager)
The Council will consider reports and a resolution concerning the potential impact of the financial crisis on the Town’s budget, additional Library expansion project information and an opportunity to consider three project scheduling options.
10. Concept Plan: Elementary School #11 (Staff Presenter: J.B. Culpepper, Planning Director) (R-12)
1. Review of process by the Manager
2. Presentation by the applicant
3. Comments from the Community Design Commission
4. Comments from citizens
5. Comments and questions from the Mayor and Town Council
6. Resolution transmitting Council comments to the applicant.
The Council will consider the memorandum from the Town Manager and the resolution, transmitting comments to the applicant for the Concept Plan.
11. Appointments:
1. Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board.
The Council will consider an appointment to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board.
2. Transportation Board.
The Council will consider an appointment to the Transportation Board.


Southern Community Park construction

As a visual update, here are a few views of construction at the new park.
Southern Community Park homepage.