Arts & Music

Carrboro in search of new Poet Laureate

This from the town:

The Carrboro Arts Committee is now accepting applications for the Town of Carrboro’s new Poet Laureate.
Deadline: November 22, 2009

• Applicants must have been a resident of Carrboro for at least one year.
• The Poet Laureate of Carrboro serves a one-year term., beginning with the announcement at the West End Poetry Festival in October.

Submit three poems (up to 2 pages in length/poem) following these guidelines:
1. Two copies of each poem
2. One copy with name, address, email, phone(s).
3. One copy with no identifying information – only the poem and title.
4. Poems can be of any style, but applicants should keep in mind that poems should be accessible to a wide family audience.
5. Include two copies of a statement (up to 2 pages in length) as to why you want to serve as Carrboro’s Poet Laureate, what role you see poetry playing in the community, and any ideas you might already have for increasing the awareness and appreciation of poetry. One with name, the other a blind copy.
6. Poet Laureate applications will be reviewed blindly by the members of the Arts Committee.
7. Applications will be accepted through November 22, 2009.
8. Applicants will be notified in January 2010.

Applications should be sent electronically as a WORD document, attached, as well as pasted into the body of the email to:

Kim Andrews (

We will also accept applications at the Carrboro Film Festival on November 22nd at the Carrboro Century Center (electronic submission is also required)