Art Imitating Life, History, Historical painting, An artist's conception of the first Opium War.

Historical painting

An artist's conception of the first Opium War.

Art Imitating Life, History, Historical painting, An artist's conception of the second Opium War.

Historical painting

An artist's conception of the second Opium War.

Art Imitating Life, History, Tomb releif, Tomb relief showing a mythical meeting between Confucius and the legendary founder of Daoism, Laozi.

Tomb relief

Tomb relief showing a mythical meeting between Confucius and the legendary founder of Daoism, Laozi.

Art Imitating Life, History, Historical painting, When a minor provincial official, Chu Yuri, attempted to persuade Han Chengdi to remove corrupt officials, the incensed emperor ordered Chu to be removed and executed.

Historical painting

When a minor provincial official, Chu Yuri, attempted to persuade Han Chengdi to remove corrupt officials, the incensed emperor ordered Chu to be removed and executed.
Chu hung on to a balustrade which broke but after one of Chengdi's leading generals had offered to die in Chu's place, the emperor relented and Ordered that the broken balustrade be left as a reminder of an honest official.

Qianlong's army battling Muslim insurgents.  
Notice that the both armies (Chinese on the right) are using a type of musket and cannon.

Historical painting

Qianlong's army battling Muslim insurgents.
Notice that the both armies (Chinese on the right) are using a type of musket and cannon.

Art Imitating Life, History, Historical painting, An artist's conception of the first Opium War.
Art Imitating Life, History, Historical painting, An artist's conception of the second Opium War.
Art Imitating Life, History, Tomb releif, Tomb relief showing a mythical meeting between Confucius and the legendary founder of Daoism, Laozi.
Art Imitating Life, History, Historical painting, When a minor provincial official, Chu Yuri, attempted to persuade Han Chengdi to remove corrupt officials, the incensed emperor ordered Chu to be removed and executed.
Qianlong's army battling Muslim insurgents.  
Notice that the both armies (Chinese on the right) are using a type of musket and cannon.