A Terra Cotta Soldier
zhōng gúo lì shĭ tàn xiăn
Provincial Map of China

This website explores Chinese History. I hope to include a little bit of everything. Among the Table of Contents of this site, you will find a news archive, sourced from various periodicals; a bibliographical, biographical, cultural and geographical database, chronologies, summaries, abstracts, outlines and presentations separated into ancient, pre- modern, modern, and contemporary periods of Chinese history, links to other online resources; Special Reports from the editors, foreign correspondents and ordinary people living in the greater China region and even current weather for major Chinese cities. There is a source index as well, which documents the source of content on this site. Keep in mind that this site is in a constant state of update, and will likely never be fully completed.

Please feel free to have a look around. I hope you find what you're looking for. If not, or if you find any errors on this site, or want me to include any information, please drop me a line.

You can navigate directly to the contact section by clicking on my name at the bottom of every page, in the copyright section. Enjoy your visit and thanks for stopping by.

Table of Contents

If you would like to contact the author,
please visit the Contact page,
or click the author's name on any page in this site.


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